Thursday, December 9, 2010


PT. IMS HEALTH INDONESIA Operating in more than 100 countries, IMS is the world’s leading wonder of information solutions to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. With more than 20 years of industry experience, PT. IMS HEALTH INDONESIA offers leading edge business intelligence products and services that are integral to clients day to day operation, including marketing effectiveness solutions for pharmaceutical product; sales optimization solutions to increase pharmaceutical sales force Productivity; and consulting and customized services that turn information into actionable insights. Is looking for


• Responsible for quality and service to client, ensuring client obtains maximum value from products and services
• Serves as project leader between the client and IMS translates client needs into action plans with the internal service team
• Creates, maintains and monitors the client service agreement across business lines, ensuring consistency in service
• Performs full assessments of client needs on a regular basis
• Coordinates production with overseas production team
• Leads a team of Client Services Executives

• Candidate must have at least 5 years working experience in the field of marketing/ marketing intelligence/support from a pharmaceutical company
• Have passion for problem solving and client satisfaction
• Able to communicate effectively, verbally and in writing
• Good customer service orientation; Likes to meet new people
• Required computer skills: Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint
• Fluent in English

For interested applicants, kindly send your comprehensive resume a photo to:

Wisma Kyoei Prince 12th Fl
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.3
Jakarta 10220 Indonesia
Attn. to Recruitment
Email to:
An attractive package awaits the successful candidate.

Lowongan ini valid hingga : 10 Desember 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Obat gemuk badan

Obat ini bekerja dengan cara mengefisienkan ampas makanan yang dibuang melalui kotoran (feces) dan mengefektivkan daya cerna usus terhadap zat gizi yang terdapat dalam makanan.

Dengan meminum obat gemuk badan alami ini, maka hampir tidak ada sisa zat gizi (nutrisi) yang ikut terbuang melalui ampas kotoran dalam sistem pencernaan. Hal ini dikarenakan hampir semua gizi yang terkandung pada makanan akan di ikat oleh senyawa alami herbal yang terkandung dalam obat ini dan terserap secara efektiv dan efisien kedalam tubuh.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lowongan kerja di Berca Hardaya Perkasa

Based in Jakarta with representative offices in Bandung, Surabaya, Balikpapan, Batam, Yogyakarta, Riau and will open soon at Bali & Solo, BHp’s core business activities are to provide computing system, IT consulting services, communication technology & services, and T&M products and services to corporations.

For our highly competitive ICT business (information communication technology), we are looking for highly capable & loyal people to compete & generate sales revenues. As a leader in Enterprise ICT & Test Measurement, we prioritize your competencies & service excellence in order to offer you a highly competitive compensation as :

HR Officer

You will be responsible for managing human resources (Recruitment/ Training/ Personal Administration/ Industrial Relations)

Requirements :

* Bachelor degree in Psychology or Human Resource Management
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
* Excellent verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills
* Computer literacy, including knowledge of basic software applications and familiarity with the internet and email communications.

IT Business Representative/Account Manager (BR/AM)
Requirements :

· Develop-execute sales plans (target, strategy, performance measurement; tactics, daily management).
· Aggressively develop-manage strategic accounts & build strong relationship by consultative approach.
· Able to persuasively communicate our capabilities in various products/services to result in business deals.
· Highly skillful in business presentation, sales negotiation & influencing clients.
· Proven sales track record & able to work with target.
· Minimum 1 years (for BR) and 3 years (for AM) successful sales experience in selling IT products and services or application/solution to corporate customers.
· For Financial (BR/AM-FSI), Network (BR/AM-NC), Telco (BR/AM-NSP), Consulting Services(BR/AM-CS)

An attractive compensation and benefit package, opportunity for career development awaits the successful candidate. Please submit your application together with a complete resume to:

PT Berca Hardayaperkasa (BHp) has been one of the leading providers of Enterprise Information & Communication Technology (IT), Communication (Telecommunication Measurement & Infrastructure / TMI & Network Service Provider / NSP) and Test & Measurement (T&M) solutions in Indonesia. BHp is also supported toko grosir murah by other principals and has continued to excel in providing efficient ICT solutions, from hardware system to total solutions and services, to over 500 corporations of various industry disciplines nationwide.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru BUMN di PT Angkasa Pura II

PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) mengundang Anda yang mempunyai semangat, integritas tinggi, ulet, dan kompeten untuk bergabung dan mengembangkan karir menjadi Tenaga PKWT untuk posisi:

Jenjang SLTA
1. Pelaksana Pertolongan Kecelakaan Penerbangan – Pemadam Kebakaran/ PKP-PK (Fire Fighting & Rescue)

1. Pelaksana Pengamanan Bandara (Aviation Security)

Jenjang Sarjana/Diploma

1. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services (ATC,AIS,FSO)
2. Pelaksana Apron Movement Control (AMC)/Airport Officer Center (AOC )
3. Pelaksana Teknik Elektronika
4. Pelaksana Teknik Listrik Mekanikal & Peralatan (TLMP)
5. Pelaksana Teknik Umum
6. Pelaksana Personalia dan Umum
7. Pelaksana Keuangan / Akuntansi
8. Pelaksana Komersial

A. Sumber Umum;

1. Batas usia:
* Usia minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 22 tahun , bagi pelamar dengan pendidikan SLTA ;
* Usia minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 24 tahun bagi pelamar yang telah memiliki SKP/STKP (Surat Tanda Kecakapan Personil / Surat Tanda Kecakapan Personil ) yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Perhubungan c.q. Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara ;
* Usia maksimal 24 tahun bagi pelamar dengan pendidikan D2,;
* Usia maksimal 28 tahun bagi pelamar dengan pendidikan D3/S1.
2. Belum menikah yang dinyatakan oleh pejabat yang berwenang, serendah-rendahnya oleh Lurah ;
3. IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4) bagi pelamar tingkat Diploma / S1 ;
4. Rata-rata nilai Ujian Akhir Nasional adalah 6,5 bagi pelamar tingkat SLTA ;
5. Berbadan sehat yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Dokter dan tidak berkacamata/contact lens untuk fungsi PAM, PKP-PK, ATS dan AMC ;
6. Berkelakuan baik yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian;
7. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT AP II ;
8. Bersedia bekerja dengan pola shifting;
9. Mengikuti seluruh tahapan seleksi .

B. Sumber Internal/Outsourcing

1. Yang berhak menggunakan jalur sumber internal adalah karyawan dari perusahaan outsourcing di lingkungan PT AP II . Selain karyawan dari perusahaan outsourcing di lingkungan PT AP II masuk kategori umum. Pelamar umum yang mendaftarkan diri dalam kelompok sumber internal otomatis akan dinyatakan gugur.
2. Usia minimal 18 tahun maksimal 35 tahun ;
3. IPK minimal 2, 7 (skala 4) bagi pelamar tingkat Diploma/ S1 ;
4. Berbadan sehat yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Dokter dan tidak berkacamata/contact lens untuk fungsi PAM, PKP-PK, ATS dan AMC;
5. Berkelakuan baik yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian;
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT AP II;
7. Bersedia bekerja dengan pola shifting ;
8. Mengikuti seluruh tahapan seleksi .


1. Pelaksana Pengamanan Bandara (Aviaton Security)

* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan SLTA (Umum/Kejuruan) , lebih disukai lulusan Diploma semua jurusan ;
* Tinggi badan minimal 165 cm (untuk pria) dan 160 cm (untuk wanita);
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.

2. Pelaksana Pertolongan Kecelakaan Penerbangan – Pemadam Kebakaran / PKP-PK (Fire Fighting & Rescue)

* Pria;
* Pendidikan SLTA (Umum/ Kejuruan Teknik);
* Tinggi badan 165 cm;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.

3. Pelaksana Apron Movement Control / AMC

* Pria;
* Pendidikan D3 Manajemen Operasi Bandar Udara (POBU), Penerbangan/Transportasi Udara , Informatika ;
* Tinggi badan minimal 165 cm;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.

4. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services – ATC

* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D2 Pengatur Lalu Lintas Udara (RLLU), D3 Pengatur Lalu Lintas Udara (PLLU), D4 Ahli Pengatur Lalu Lintas Udara, dan memiliki SKP Junior ATC;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.

5. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services – AIS

* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D2 Pengatur Penerangan Aeronautika (RPA) , D3 Penilik Penerangan Aeronautika (PPA) , memiliki SKP Junior AIS;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/ contact lens.

6. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services – FSO

* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D2 Pengatur Komunikasi Penerbangan ( RKP /FSO) , D3 Penilik Komunikasi Penarbangan (PKP) , D3 Penilik Penerangan Aeronautika ( PPA) dan memiliki SKP Junior FSO;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/ contact lens.

7. Pelaksana Teknik Elektronika;

* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Teknik Elektronika, D3 Penilik Telekomunikasi Radio (PTR) , D3 Teknik Navigasi Udara(TNU) , D4 Ahli Teknik Navigasi Udara (ATNU), D3 lebih disukai S1 Teknik Informatika;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/ contact lens .

8. Pelaksana Teknik Listrik Mekanikal & Peralatan / TLMP

* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Teknik Listrik/ Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat) , D3 Penilik Teknik Listrik Bandara (PTL) , D4 Ahli Teknik Listrik Bandara(ATLB)
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/ contact lens .

9. Pelaksana Teknik Umum

* Diutamakan Pria ;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Teknik Sipil;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/ contact lens .

10. Personalia & Umum

* Diutamakan Pria;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Manajemen , Manajemen Informatika , Hukum , Adm. Perhubungan Udara , Ilmu Sosial ;
* Tidak buta warna .

11. Pelaksana Keuangan & Akuntansi

* Diutamakan Pria;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Manajemen Keuangan, Akuntansi, Manajemen Asset ;
* Tidak buta warna.

12. Pelaksana Komersial

* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Manajemen , Administrasi Perhubungan Udara(APU) , Manajemen Transportasi Udara , Manajemen Bandar Udara/Penerbangan ;
* Tidak buta warna.


1. Aplikasi lamaran hanya melalui on-line. Tidak ada jalur lain yang digunakan untuk pengiriman lamaran.
2. Bagi Pelamar yang pernah mengirimkan lamaran ke PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) diwajibkan memperbaharui lamaran dengan tata cara ini.
3. Pelamar wajib memiliki alamat e-mail pribadi yang masih aktif untuk dapat mengikuti proses seleksi ini. Kami tidak melayani alamat e-mail yang salah input oleh pelamar.
4. Setelah mengisi formulir aplikasi dan mengirimkannya kembali secara on-line , pelamar akan mendapat konfirmasi registrasi . Konfirmasi tersebut berisi nomor registrasi yang akan digunakan selama proses seleksi. Anda tidak dapat menerima e-mail registrasi apabila alamat e-mail yang anda input salah dan atau sudah tidak aktif, sehingga anda tidak bisa log-in untuk pengumuman selanjutnya.
5. Pelamar hanya diperkenankan melakukan satu kali registrasi on-line. Untuk itu pastikan Anda telah menuliskan semua data dengan benar, sebelum menekan tombol KIRIM . Kami tidak melayani perbaikan data yang salah input oleh pelamar.
6. Pelamar wajib mengisi aplikasi dengan data/informasi yang sebenar-benarnya karena data ini akan diklarifikasi dengan benar saat pelaksanaan verifikasi dokumen.
7. Masa waktu registrasi on-line adalah 23 – 31 Oktober 2010
8. Aplikasi yang masuk setelah batas akhir registrasi dan atau tidak melamar secara on-line, dianggap tidak berlaku.
9. Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat serta Panitia tidak melayani surat menyurat.
10. Pada setiap tahapan seleksi, hanya pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus dapat masuk ke tahap seleksi berikutnya.
11. Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi ini tidak dikenakan biaya apapun .
12. Segala biaya transportasi dan akomodasi para pelamar menjadi tanggungan pribadi pelamar.
13. Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi dan pelamar yang berhak mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya dapat dilihat di website pada 9 – 14 November 2010


1. Bagi Anda yang kemudian dinyatakan lolos seleksi administrasi, akan diminta hadir pada Tes Tahap I di lokasi dan waktu yang tercantum di bawah dengan membawa dokumen dan kelengkapan sebagai berikut :

* Kartu Tanda Penduduk yang masih berlaku, asli dan fotocopy
* Fotocopy ijazah yang sesuai dengan persyaratan pendidikan dan telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang
* Fotocopy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang
* Fotocopy sertifikat keahlian lainnya yang relevan
* Fotocopy akte kelahiran dari instansi berwenang
* Data Riwayat Hidup yang harus didownload dari website setelah Anda log in, data riwayat hidup yang telah diisi diserahkan dalam bentuk print out
* Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian
* Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter
* Kartu Peserta Seleksi yang harus didownload dari website setelah Anda log in. Mohon dilengkapi dan ditempel foto, kemudian dibawa dalam bentuk print out pada setiap tahapan tes
* Pas Foto Berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 berlatar belakang merah sebanyak 2 lembar
* Surat Pernyataan keabsahan dokumen yang harus didownload dari website setelah Anda log in, surat pernyataan yang telah diisi dan ditandatangani di atas materai diserahkan dalam bentuk print out
* Surat Pernyataan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT AP II yang harus didownload dari website setelah Anda log in, surat pernyataan yang telah diisi dan ditandatangani di atas materai diserahkan dalam bentuk print out
* Surat Keterangan Belum Menikah dari pejabat yang berwenang serendah-rendahnya dikeluarkan oleh Lurah (khusus untuk pelamar umum);
* Alat tulis: pensil 2B, bolpoint, dan penghapus

2. Seluruh berkas dimasukkan ke dalam map folio

* Warna biru untuk pelamar umum
* Warna merah untuk pelamar internal/outsourcing

Tuliskan nama dan nomor registrasi Anda pada map tersebut.

3. Mohon mempersiapkan seluruh dokumen dengan lengkap dan benar. Jika ditemukan ketidaklengkapan dokumen dan/atau ketidaksesuaian data pada dokumen dengan berkas lamaran, Anda akan dinyatakan gugur pada Tes Tahap I


1. Seleksi Administrasi
2. Tes Fisik (Performance Test), khusus untuk posisi Pelaksana Pengamanan Bandara, Pertolongan Kecelakaan Penerbangan – Pemadam Kebakaran, dan Pelaksana Apron Movement Control
3. Tes Pengetahuan Umum/Substansial dan Bahasa Inggris
4. Tes Psikologis
5. Tes Kesehatan
6. Wawancara Akhir

* Lokasi tes : Jakarta , Banda Aceh, Medan , Padang, Palembang, Pontianak, Pekanbaru, Tanjung Pinang, Jambi, Pangkal Pinang.
* Waktu tes : diberitahukan lebih rinci pada saat pengumuman per tahap

Untuk melakukan pendaftaran, silakan melihat di link berikut ini :

- Form aplikasi untuk pelamar umum

- Form aplikasi untuk pelamar internal/outsourcing

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lowongan Kerja di Trakindo Utama PT,

PT TRAKINDO UTAMA was established in 1970 by the owner, Mr. AHK Hamami. The company became the authorized dealer for Caterpillar in 1971 and now has more than 60 branches throughout the country from Sumatra to Papua. Backed by unbeatable support facilities and an extensive spare parts supply network, Trakindo provides world-class service to customers in the mining, construction, forestry, agricultural, energy and industrial sectors. The “Customer Services Company” is Trakindo new motto.

We are inviting young Indonesian graduates & professionals to fill the following positions:

A. Service Manager
B. Technical Support / Service Superintendent
C. Technical Support / Service Supervisor

General ReQuirements:
• Graduate from a reputable University / Technical College
• Min. 5 years experience and 2 years in similar position
• Excellent command of English, both orally and in writing. Possess computer literacy (MS Office)
• Be a good team player enthusiastic proactive and have excellent interactive skills with all level of management and staffs.
• Good interaction with people, team player with strong creativity & result oriented
• Strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skill
• Having good knowledge in CATERPILLAR heavy equipment product
• Willing to be based at any branches throughout Indonesia

Specific Requirements:
• Knowledge in technical & mechanical system of heavy equipment, and repair maintenance procedures and dealer service operations
• Knowledge in occupational safety & health management system

Attractive remuneration packages including pension scheme and other benefits, career development opportunities will be provided to selected / chosen candidates.

Please send your resume to:

PT Trakindo Utama
or PO BOX 2282/JKT 12560 – Indonesia or visit our website: (human resource/career)

Not laterthan October 30th, 20

All applications will be treated confidentially. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

PT Trakindo Utama is the authorized dealer in Indonesia for Caterpillar products, the world’s largest manufacturer of mining, forestry, agriculture and construction equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial engines and generator sets.

The Caterpillar equipment product range includes articulated trucks, backhoe loaders, compactors, excavators, integrated toolcarriers, material handlers, motor graders, multi terrain loaders, off-highwaytrucks , off-highway tractors, pipelayers, scrapers, skid steer loaders, telehandlers, track-type tractors, track loaders, wheel dozers, underground mining equipment, paving equipment, forest machines, and industrial prime movers.

Lowongan Kerja di Trakindo Utama PT,

PT TRAKINDO UTAMA was established in 1970 by the owner, Mr. AHK Hamami. The company became the authorized dealer for Caterpillar in 1971 and now has more than 60 branches throughout the country from Sumatra to Papua. Backed by unbeatable support facilities and an extensive spare parts supply network, Trakindo provides world-class service to customers in the mining, construction, forestry, agricultural, energy and industrial sectors. The “Customer Services Company” is Trakindo new motto.

We are inviting young Indonesian graduates & professionals to fill the following positions:

A. Service Manager
B. Technical Support / Service Superintendent
C. Technical Support / Service Supervisor

General ReQuirements:
• Graduate from a reputable University / Technical College
• Min. 5 years experience and 2 years in similar position
• Excellent command of English, both orally and in writing. Possess computer literacy (MS Office)
• Be a good team player enthusiastic proactive and have excellent interactive skills with all level of management and staffs.
• Good interaction with people, team player with strong creativity & result oriented
• Strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skill
• Having good knowledge in CATERPILLAR heavy equipment product
• Willing to be based at any branches throughout Indonesia

Specific Requirements:
• Knowledge in technical & mechanical system of heavy equipment, and repair maintenance procedures and dealer service operations
• Knowledge in occupational safety & health management system

Attractive remuneration packages including pension scheme and other benefits, career development opportunities will be provided to selected / chosen candidates.

Please send your resume to:

PT Trakindo Utama
or PO BOX 2282/JKT 12560 – Indonesia or visit our website: (human resource/career)

Not laterthan October 30th, 20

All applications will be treated confidentially. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

PT Trakindo Utama is the authorized dealer in Indonesia for Caterpillar products, the world’s largest manufacturer of mining, forestry, agriculture and construction equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial engines and generator sets.

The Caterpillar equipment product range includes articulated trucks, backhoe loaders, compactors, excavators, integrated toolcarriers, material handlers, motor graders, multi terrain loaders, off-highwaytrucks , off-highway tractors, pipelayers, scrapers, skid steer loaders, telehandlers, track-type tractors, track loaders, wheel dozers, underground mining equipment, paving equipment, forest machines, and industrial prime movers.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lowongan Kerja Di Bussan Auto Finance

To support our growth and business, we are looking for experience people to fill the following position:


- Male with max. 27 years of age, min. Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring Mathematic and Statistic (point A)
- Male with max. 28 years of age, min. Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring Mathematic,
Statistic, Technology Industry, Technology Information (point B)
- Male with max. 35 years of age (point C,D), male/female with max. 28 years of age(point E,F), min.
Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring in Information Technology, Information System(point C,D,F,G)
- Male with max. 25 years of age, min. Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring in Statistical,
Mathematic, Physics (point E)
- Have advanced skills of Ms. Office Excel formulas (point A,B,E,F), familiar with analysis & reporting
data and able to use SPSS Program at least Basic ability (point B), fair knowledge in SQL/Server and good knowledge in handling data migration and query ( point C,F,G ), good knowledge in Java Environment (point D), have good analytical thinking and enjoy to processing data report (point E), knowledge of implementation system/application in HR-IS and having experience in analyst system (point F), knowledge of system presentation (point G)
- Knowledge in database, administration and maintaining SQL/Oracle DB, database maintenance,
monitoring, recovery and cloning, tuning management, familiar with day to day operation and maintenance, understanding of basic TCP/IP, networking concept, Linux or other Unix based Operating System and using TOAD (point F)
- Working experience 1 year-2years in data analyze (point A,B), experience 2 years in related field and experience using Oracle PL/SQL and Oracle DB (point C,D), fresh graduate is welcome to apply
- Has public speaking skill, and good command of English, both & written, willing to be travel within our branch
- Hard worker, honest, communication, good analytical thinking, and good appearance, strong leadership, good team work, can work under pressure, discipline

If you can fulfill the qualifications above, please send your application letter, recent passport size photograph and academic documents not later than 14 (fourteen) days after the issuance of this advertisement. Please quote the position code on the upper left side of your envelope to:
PO BOX 4423 JKP 10044 or Please Login or Register to apply this job online ta

All applicants will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates shall be invited for an interview.

Friday, October 15, 2010

What is a Dental Abscess

Even though most dental pustules start out fairly small, they can quickly become irritated and swollen to a point where they are very uncomfortable. Generally speaking, a dental abscess or sore is a bacterial infection that develops in the mouth.

While most dental abscesses develop in the gums, they can also develop in the jaw bones, facial tissue, and throat.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Foot massagers machines

Take a look at all the products in Massagers Machines and More's Massager Machines & Massagers Category here. You can sort the items using the pull-down menu, see all the items at once or choose to view fewer.

If you are owning a foot massagers machines than it could be the one of the most relaxing treats of your life. Foot massagers machines allows you to soothe your aching feet at anytime, for as long and as frequently as you want. The most apparent benefit from receiving a foot massage is that it will helps your tired feet feel a lot better than ever.

So if you have a lot of bore and tiring days then I suggest you to buy a foot massagers machines for your own sake.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lowongan Structure Inspector 2010

Due to our increasing activity, we are currently seeking for suitable qualified individuals to fill in the vacant positions :

Structure Inspector how to fix all
(Jakarta Raya)


* Technical / Civil, Ocean, Offshore engineering background
* Have good understanding and interpretation of international standard / code and procedure of API RP2A, AISC, AWS D1.1, ANSI, ASME etc.
* Familiar with MIGAS regulations.

Piping Inspector
(Jakarta Raya)


* Mechanical or other engineering background
* Must have at least qualification of welding inspector
* Have good understanding and interpretation of standard / code for piping such as ASME B31.3 requirement etc.
* Familiar with MIGAS regulations

General requirements : how to set up anything

* Possess S1 degree
* Work experience in related field 3 years and over
* Good written and spoken English language communication skill

If you meet the above requirements, please email your detailed CV (in English), your latest photo and copy of KTP, educational certificates & references to :

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Indonesian Batiks

Cuma gregetan aja sama orang malaysia yang ngeklaim batik merupakan salah satu kebudayaan mereka. Nih sepotong artikel yang di ambil dari websitenya orang asing yang tinggal di Singapore.

"This is mainly for my Singapore friends as they keep asking what tailor I use and where is she located. I only recently came across this lady in Little India when I had some Indonesian Batiks that I needed made up for the National Day Reception and since then I have given her many pieces of fabric or alterations to be done ....."

Dari situ saja harusnya mereka tahu diri dan gak usah ngaku-ngaku batik milik mereka !!!
"batik adalah milik orang Indonesia"

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lowongan Account Manager Telekomunikasi

PT Sisindokom Lintasbuana is looking for a dynamic Indonesian national to fill the position of:
Account Manager – Telecommunication Sector – Based in Jakarta

Sales Rule and Responsibilities are:

* Identify opportunities, deeply explore the opportunity and information, strengthen the probability and develop solutions strategies within technical team, principals or other party involve.
* Develop and conduct Account strategy, exposure Company products and services portfolio, and mapping with customer organization and business opportunities.
* Build deep customer relationship, maintain long term relationship, and broaden network relationship at customer site from entry level to executive level (key contact persons).
* Taking ownership to plan, conduct, lead and monitor the selling process, bid process, and result oriented of the process.
* Responsible for reporting, sales target number, KPI, and productivity.


* Minimum of Bachelor Degree from Management, IT, Computer Science, Electronic.
* 3-5 Years related working experience as a Seller in IT industry with the focus of Telco industry.
* Develop and strengthen communication with executive level and decision makers.
* Result and target oriented, high initiative, Self Independent, and has leadership skills.

Please send your complete resume & photograph immediately, with the subject to :

E-mail :

PT. Sisindokom Lintasbuana member of PT. Aneka Spring Telekomindo (ASTEL GROUP), one of the leading IT and Networking Solution provider in Indonesia. Bathroom faucets for vessel sinks. Having more than 17 years of experience in providing It’s solutions to the business community.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lowongan internal auditor agustus 2010

Human Resources Division
Email to :
candle holder

Please put your subject of email: Rec-Internal Audit (MEI)
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Lowongan internal auditor agustus 2010

With the following qualifications:

· Age 30 - 40 years.
· Willing to travel for audit assignment.
· A degree (S1) in Accounting or Science From Reputable University Background
· Minimum 5 years experience in Oil & Gas.
· Have an experience in Internal Audit is an advantage.
· Familiar with PTK-007 oil and gas Procurement procedure is preferred
· Familiar with PSC term and JV accounting is preferred
· Familiar with SAP FI and BPM is advantage
· Equip with risk management sense and system
· Ability to analyze business process in complex and various industries and present the audit results in simple and systematic reports.
· Fluent in written and spoken English.
· Good interpersonal and communication skills.
· Good presentation skills and computer basic application skills (Windows, Ms Word, Excel,Visio).

Suitable candidate should submit an application letter together with comprehensive curriculum vitae to:

Thursday, August 19, 2010


The principal portion is responsible for every part of the implementation of corporate objectives. Supplementary part is the part that provides assistance to the principal so the principal sections easier to perform his duties in realizing its goals. The principal portion is often called in the major department of foreign terms are often called minor complementary parts department or service department power kites.

Part attendants, according to its name, is not always present in an organization, it depends on the needs. Part maid, among others, may be called the civil service. The sections or sections where the staff perform their duties, including the helpers, such as parts or sections of laws clover honey.

Duties of attendants, not perform basic tasks within the company, but is responsible for providing assistance to the principal parts, so that the constituent parts of it more smoothly perform his duties. There are four possible organizational structures in relation to the unit or department unut auxiliary, namely:
a) The organizational structure without the aide of an autonomous unit
b) Structure of the organization with an autonomous auxiliary units.
c) oranisasi structure with an autonomous department assistant.
d) the organizational structure of departments and auxiliary units are autonomous.

In the first possibility, no one auxiliary unit of an autonomous, that is a section in one or several departments. Tasks that should be performed by auxiliary units were done directly by the relevant department or section.

Kindness is that with no formation of an auxiliary unit of a stand-alone additional administrative costs does not become the fact. Only kesukarannya implementation of the principal tasks to be abandoned due to carry out relief duties, and there is also the possibility of a competent person to do the task is not in the win in each department.

The second possibility is that each department has one section that stands and which provides assistance to departments into the environment. The difference with the first possibility is that the state had the first of each department or work on their own to take care of tasks normally performed by the auxiliary units, while in this second way in each department there is a special section responsible for providing assistance to the departments concerned. Independent service activities within the department function.

Kindness is to increase the efficiency of each department and company as a whole. Furthermore, the separation of these auxiliary units into a single stand-alone section within a department will add to the knowledge and skills of those who served in that environment.

Ugliness is in addition to adding the cost of administration officials in this environment will often experience unemployment.
A third possibility is that auxiliary activities concentrated into a stand-alone department and which provides services to the entire organization or departments.

In this third possibility, a more prominent evils of the profits in the can. Mainly because auxiliary unit is a regular depatemen, then certainly on par with other departments. This means that to an ordinary department does not have the power to govern the officer - officers in the auxiliary unit is positioned as a department. Department only gives bantuanya to other departments, if ordered by arasannya, where accountability is the answer given to the employer gives the relevant commands. In addition penembahan adminiterasi costs, then this method also adds the field supervision of the employer, namely the increased levels of supervision.

Last possibility is a combination of these three possibilities and possibly a fourth. In this organizational structure we find auxiliary units that stand alone in each department which is located as the next section of a department that also perform the same task.

Because the service department was the plan and give assignments to the respective auxiliary units in each department, then obviously there are always doubts to sexy helpers each in their respective departments in providing accountability. Is the head of the environment where it is located, or to the department assistant.

Lowongan Kerja agustus di MCDERMOTT

Our global presence provides tremendous opportunity worldwide. Join our team of extraordinary professionals committed to project execution excellence any balls.

Payroll Accountant x 2
(Toa Payoh)


* Update time data and pay period adjustments in payroll system
* Payroll processing and verification of payroll calculations/payments
* Coordinate salary transfer to employees bank account
* Respond to employees queries on payroll payments
* Prepare final statement of terminated employees
* Month reconciliation of payroll accounts
* Coordinate monthly deposit of withhold taxes and retirement benefits to respective authorities
* Prepare annual withholding taxed and retirement benefits returns and submit to respective authorities.
* Respond to payroll related queries raised by accounting group/ internal and external auditors
* Maintain payroll records


* Graduate in Accounting from a recognized University
* 5 to 7 years of work experiences in handling payroll function of a medium size organization
* Good knowledge of employees personal taxation and retirement benefits rules for Asia Pacific countries
* High integrity and commitment to work
* Exposure to SAP payroll will be added advantage
* Good knowledge of MS Excel
* Good communication skills

Rewards will be commensurate with your experience and qualification.

If you are what we are looking for, please email your resume indicating your current and expecting salary and indicate in the email subject: Application for [Position] by [Your Name]

To: Human Resource Department (Talent Acquisition)
Email Address:

(Only shortlisted candidate will be notified)

Closing Date: 01-september-10

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lowongan GA & Finance Staff agustus 2010

Through a comprehensive offering of consultation, custom development, systems integration, implementation, training and support, we offer industry expertise and local service to clients around the globe. Now is looking for enthusiastic and creative professionals to be part of our development team with the following position :
GA & Finance Staff

Job Scope :

* Logs and check all the vouchers that must be recorded.
* Maintain and update any existing data base of inventory in the reports on computers and accounting records.
* Ensure that the administration of accounting, bookkeeping each document stored with the effective and efficient.
* Coordinate with the entire division.
* Handles the administration of AR/AP
* Must be able to create P/L, Balancing and Bank Reconciliation Reporting.
* Good in General Administration

Requirement :

* Female, S1 Educational Economics / Accounting
* Single, age Mak. 25 years
* IPK min. 3:00
* At least 1 year experience in their field.
* To be honest, meticulous, disciplined, loyal, responsible, able to work hard and can work with the team work.
* Ability to work independently
* Strong computer skills in spreadsheets and other reports needed in Ms. Excel / Ms. Word / other Accounting Software.
* Strong-willed and have a good work motivation.
* Ability to work under pressure.
* Ability to work with others and communicate well.
* Able to maintain confidentiality of the Company.
* Able clean and tidy
* Willing to work overtime if needed
* Working Full time.

Selected candidates will be contacted by phone for interview in Jakarta
Full details of application letter to be sent to the following e-mail address :

PT. Renaissance Inovasi Global

Graha Mampang, 3rd Floor

Jl. Raya Mampang 100, Jakarta 12760, Telp +62-21 7940667, Fax +62-21 7940668


Lowongan consultan agustus 2010

Due to our growing business, we are looking for dynamic, top caliber and
dedicated professionals to immediately fill the following position:

Play yards

Transfer Pricing Manager
•Bachelor/Master Degree in Economics with a major in Accountancy/ Industrial
Economics with minimum GPA of 3.00 (from a scale of 4.00).
•Must have at least 5 years experience as an Account Officer/Credit
Analyst/Analyst/Corporate Finance for corporate accounts from a reputable local
or foreign bank or securities/investment banking/ consulting firm.
•Proven experiences to work under pressure with tight deadlines projects.
•Possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
•Possess strong research, data collection, analytical and statistical skills
•Must be fluent in written and conversational English.
•Must be proficient in computer operation and software applications including
Microsoft Office, internet research and also Economics/Finance software

Transfer Pricing Supervisor
•Bachelor/Master Degree in Economics with a major in Accountancy/ Industrial
Economics with minimum GPA of 3.00 (from a scale of 4.00).
•Must have at least 4 years experience as an Account Officer/Credit
Analyst/Analyst/Corporate Finance for corporate accounts from a reputable local
or foreign bank or securities/investment banking/ consulting firm.
•Proven experiences to work under pressure with tight deadlines projects.
•Possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
•Possess strong research, data collection, analytical and statistical skills
•Must be fluent in written and conversational English.
•Must be proficient in computer operation and software applications including
Microsoft Office, internet research and also Economics/Finance software

Internship as Transfer Pricing Consultant.
•Male/female, maximum 23 years old.
•Must be accounting/Industrial Economics/economic/Management graduates or from a
reputable local or international university with a minimum GPA of 2.80 (college
students at final semester are welcome to apply).
•Must be fluent in written and conversational English.
•Must have excellent computer skills especially in using Excel.
Candidates for all positions must be fluent in written and conversational
English and must be proficient in computer operations.

Candidates who meet the above mentioned qualifications are invited to send their
application letter together with a detailed curriculum vitae, academic records
and the latest photograph on or before Aug 21th , 2010 to the following

HRD PB Taxand
Menara Imperium, 27th Floor
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. 1, Jakarta 12980

or e-mail your application to:
Please visit our website at www.
Please specify the position you are applying for in the subject.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

PB Taxand is a tax consultancy firm whose corporate philosophy is to provide the
best consultancy services in tax to a wide range of corporate and individual
clients. PB Taxand is a member of Taxand, a global network of leading tax

Friday, August 13, 2010

Lowongan Kerja Bagian Quality Control Engineer

Oberthur Technologies - a leader in security solution is expanding its research and development center in Jakarta and looking for talented individuals to join the company. At Oberthur Technologies, you will LEARN the latest mobile security technology. You will DEVELOP the state-of-the-art security solution. You will GROW and contribute to creating Jakarta Center Of Excellence coffee maker

Quality Control Engineer
· Degree in Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering or related subject
· C, C++, Java, Object Oriented Programming language
· ISO Certification knowledge preferred
· Management Systems preferred
· Interest in detail

Software Engineer &Tester
· Degree in Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering or related subject
· C, C++, Assembly, Object Oriented Programming language
· Embedded system and microcontroller 4, 8, 16, 32 bits knowledge
· Understand software development life cycle
· Knowledge of cryptography and smart card preferred

Assistant Project Manager
· Degree in Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering or related subject
· Minimum 3-5 years in Project Management
· IT & Engineering background preferred
· Project Management Certificate preferred

Team Leader
· Degree in Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering or related subject
· Minimum 5-7 years In Project Management
· IT & Engineering background preferred
· Knowledge of cryptography and smart card preferred

Quality Manager
· Degree in Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering or related subject
· Minimum 5-7 years in Quality System Management
· IT & Engineering background preferred
· Project Management Certificate preferred

Project Manager
· Degree in Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering or related subject
· Minimum 7 years in Project Management
· IT & Engineering background preferred
· Project Management Certificate preferred

Fluency in English is a must!
State your intended position in the e-mail subject and drop your resume at. (in .doc or .pdf format max 500kb) or PO Box 4914 JKTM 12700

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Due to our business development, we are inviting highly motivated professionals to join us as :

Responsibility :

* To be developed into the International qualified Trainer in Surabaya.
* Customer relation management by maintaining and enhancing customer relationships with existing clients.
* Business development and expansion by working with the sales team to identify and expand new business opportunities with new customers. tv stands

Requirements :

* Male.
* Between 28-33 years old.
* Bachelor Degree in any discipline.
* 2-4 years HRD Officer or related experience.
* Proficient in both spoken and written English.
* Good command of computer knowledge in Microsoft Word and Powr Point.
* Good interpersonal, communication, problem solving and Presentation skill.
* Hardworking, committed and can work under pressure.
* Self motivated, responsible and independent with positive work attitude.
* Full time position available and Immediate available is an advantage.

Interested candidates are encouraged to send the application and complete resume to:
only short-listed candidates will be notified

Dale Carnegie Training Founded in 1912, has evolved from one man’s belief in the power of self-improvement to a performance-based training company with offices worldwide. We focus on giving people in business the opportunity to sharpen their skills and improve their performance in order to build positive, steady, and profitable results. The 160 Carnegie Managing Directors around the world use their training and consulting services with companies of all sizes in all business segments to increase knowledge and performance.

Headquartered in Hauppauge, New York, Dale Carnegie Training is represented in all 50 of the United States and over 80 countries. More than 2700 instructors present Dale Carnegie Training programs in more than 25 languages. In fact, approximately 8 million people have completed Dale Carnegie Training. As part of our ISO 9000:2001 certification and Dale Carnegie Training’s commitment to quality, we measure the effectiveness of our training.

Please visit our company website at or our global website at for more details.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


With its environmentally friendly and innovative technologies, ALSTOM is a global leader in power generation and rail transport. The Group employs more than 65,000
people in over 70 countries. PT ALSTOM Power Energy Systems Indonesia, being part of ALSTOM Power, is now seeking highly qualified professionals who can work in
team and willing to be stationed in Surabaya office to fill the position of :
Mechanical Design Engineer

( Code: Mechanical Design Engineer APESI – Your Name )
Key Responsibility :
To perform mechanical design activities for HRSG components such as pipe stress analysis, structural steel design, lifting frame, supports design, code calculation of pressure vessels, tanks,
ductwork, stacks, and other non-pressure parts.
The successful candidate should have the following qualifications :
• Fresh graduate or 2 years experiences in similar engineering discipline.
• Bachelor degree in Mechanical, Civil, Marine, or other Engineering disciplines.
• Having technical knowledge of product line, especially in steam power plant.
• Good understanding in mechanical design concept and technical drawing.
• Having excellent skill to use AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, Application Engineering Software (Autopipe, Caesar, Staadpro) and DOS.
• Familiar with shop capabilities and manufacturing process
• Fluent in English (reading, writing and speaking) our working language, and in Indonesian.
• Willing to stay in Surabaya.
For those who are interested and meet the above requirements, are encouraged to apply for this position by using quick apply button below or submitting an application letter and recent CV
by e-mail to:
idsub.recruitment@ com
Application should be received not later than two weeks after the publication of this advertisement. Please indicate the position code in the application letter.
Human Resources Department
PT. ALSTOM Power Energy Systems Indonesia
All applicants will be treated confidentially, only short-listed candidates will be notified

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2010 Manager Housekeeping Manager Pakuwon Group

We are looking for great people to join our dynamic Group at Gandaria City. If you think you have what it takes to rise to the top of your profession, send us your resume detailing your career to date, your aspirations and why you think you’re the right candidate for the job.


* Diploma in Hotel Schools
* Competent in handling HK operation with high standard quality of service and capable of using chemical
* Good English Communication, Good leadership skills and computer literate
* Minimum 5 years experience as HK Attendant in 5 star hotels

Contact our Head of Human Resources by sending your resume with recent photograph to:

Or posting to:

Gandaria City Marketing Office
Jl KH. M Syafi’i Hadzami No. 8
Gandaria, Kebayoran Lama
Jakarta Selatan 12240

Only short-listed candidate shall be notified!

Lowongan Kerja Pertamina Hulu Energi Agustus 2010

Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ is a global energy company committed to business innovation and environmental leadership. With the significant worldwide growth of PHE ONWJ s oil and gas business, the need arises for an experienced to join the team located in Jakarta. hand tools

A highly respected team offering leading edge thinking and works in partnership with the business to deliver the challenging business goals. This also offers the opportunity for flexible working in delivering such goals, values and performance, and is committed to your continual training and career development.

1. Provide HSE assurance to the overall marine safety program, compliance with the company policy and the existing government law and regulations (i.e. Hubla, Migas, Pertamina, Depnaker), international standards and codes, and recommended practices.
2. Set Marine Assurance and contribute to Contracting strategy for PHE ONWJ.
3. Put in place and implement an inspection/assessment and risks identification program for the Marine operations.
4. Provide direction, guidance/coaching and supervision of the PHE ONWJ Marine Safety Program, linking to global initiatives and best practice as appropriate.
5. Acting as a coach to other non-marine personnel in aspects of marine assurance and also develop Indonesian nationals to provide for a sustainable local Marine Assurance function.
6. Develop and propose safety programs based on the incident/accident trend analysis and field safety issues as when these occur.
7. Monitor and track specific follow up recommendations in related to Marine issues.
8. Conduct self-assessment as part of assurance and continuous improvement in company s safety performance.
9. Provide support to drilling operations and other projects together with the Supply Chain Management function to assure appropriate standards are employed by 3rd parties.

1. Bachelor Degree in Merchant Marine University with at least 5 years experience as Master Ocean, preferable to have working experience with Marine Warranty Surveyor.
2. Possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and be used to working successfully in a diverse culture and be used to delivering as a team player.
3. Must possess practical Marine operational working experience including Oil/Gas tankers, Terminal Operations, Oil/Gas field Marine support, and Master Mariner.

1. Monitor Control of Work breakthrough implementation and act as Area Authority (AA).
2. Coordinate cargo delivery to/from offshore including rental equipments, stock/non stock material, repair, storage, junk, fabrication etc which met with user priority.
3. Coordinate compilation of surplus equipments/parts, stock check/inspection, and preparation of asset disposal.
4. Record and monitoring Material Discrepancy Report (MDR).
5. Monitoring Production and Drilling stock items for perpetual inventory monitoring.
6. Monitor Zero stock, project, cylinder gas bottle and storage material.
7. Prepare Instruction to Perform (ITP), Work Order (WO) and SWO (Service Work Order) to contractor.
8. Prepare Purchase Requisition for Marunda consumable items, tools, PPE, etc.
9. Monitoring certification and maintenance of steel basket, chemical tank and rack bottle, PHE properties.
10. Coordinate compilation of surplus equipments/parts, stock check/inspection, asset disposal.
11. Monitoring performance of shorebase contractor equipments e.g. crane, forklift and lifting gear.

1. Bachelor Degree in any discipline, with at least 5 years work of experience in oil and gas Warehouse Operations (including handling Inventory, Chemical, Production, Drilling and Project Materials).
2. Possess strong knowledge in inventory management & warehouse management.

1. Ensuring quality assurance of valve maintenance services in accordance with company s standards, procedures and industry standards.
2. Improving quality service in valve maintenance area to reduce unplanned equipment problems and sustain company production and operation integrity.
3. Develop maintenance technical documents and procedures and working in the field to ensure timely execution of the valve and instrumentation maintenance services as per recommendations, RCFA analysis and company s Generic Maintenance Strategy (GMS).

1. Bachelor Degree in mechanical engineering/physic engineering with at least 7 years work of experience in quality assurance and maintenance engineering.
2. Possess strong knowledge in the operation and maintenance of valve practices including its workshop repair.
3. Engineering design experience and working knowledge of valves, process and piping.
4. Familiar with various valve manufacturers In Oil and Gas industry.

1. Ensuring quality assurance of pumps, compressors, diesel/gas engines and safety equipment maintenance in accordance with company s standards, procedures and industry standards.
2. Improving quality service in mechanical area to reduce unplanned equipment problems and sustain company production and operation integrity through consistent review of maintenance data.

1. Bachelor Degree in mechanical engineering with at least 7 years work of experience in quality assurance and maintenance engineering.
2. Engineering design experience and working knowledge of mechanical equipment and general knowledge about safety equipment.
3. Possess strong knowledge in the maintenance of pumps, compressors and diesel/gas engines.
4. Has capability to create engineering reports and improvement required.

1. Develop and manage business process implementation of HSE Management System (HSEMS) for company.
2. Drive the effectiveness of the existence of HSEMS to deliver an HSE performance and compliance improvement.
3. Manage the systematic and powerful database of HSE Compliance, Performance and Reporting internal and external.
4. Champion of the HSEMS, Standard and Policy compliance regular audits.
5. Vocal point of the quality control of the HSEMS Audit and HSE actions closures.

1. Bachelor Degree in Engineering or equal with at least 12 years of experience in Industrial HSEMS with 7 years in oil & gas industry HSEMS.
2. Hold ISO Auditor certification or equal will be advantage.
3. Experience to lead a team to setup and to manage HSEMS effective implementation.
4. Experience in champion HSEMS Audit facilitation and follow up actions performance control/monitor.

1. Develop best-fit L&D strategy, policies, process (tools, procedures & standards) and program for the Company and evaluate their effectiveness.
2. Develop organization capability plan to ensure sustainability & excellent performance appropriate with organization strategy, mission, and vision.
3. Develop & maintain competency model & talent management to strengthen organization strategy and maximize human capital.
4. Develop and monitor career management to identify and determine career path and criteria for each job family.
5. Monitor & control annual training budget to ensure efficiency in the implementation and the quality of program.

1. Bachelor Degree from any disciplines with at least 7 years of relevant experience in oil & gas industry.
2. Possess strong knowledge in learning & development area.
3. Has experience in set up competency & talent management.
4. Good knowledge in organization development & career management

You will be a self starter with strong interpersonal and team working skills and will be fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Forward your complete resume and recent photograph with interested position in your email address to:

Application close 21 Agustus 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lowongan kerja di CV. Tangguh Jaya

Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang Penjualan Computer
bed mattresses
Alamat :
HiTech Mall Lantai 2 B No. 21-22
Jl. Kusuma Bangsa No. 116 – 118
Telp. : 031 – 534 1600

Membuka Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2010 untuk posisi :

1. Marketing (MK)
2. Staff Administrasi (SA)
3. Teknisi Komputer (Tk)

Lokasi Kerja di : Surabaya dan Malang

Persyaratan :

1. Marketing (MK)
* Pendidikan minimal SMA
* Pria/Wanita
* Punya Kendaraan Sendiri

2. Staff Administrasi (SA)
* Pendidikan min SLTA (D3 lebih diutamakan), fresh graduate, pria/wanita

3. Teknisi Komputer (TK)
* Pendidikan minimal SMA
* Pria
* Pengalaman minimal 1 Tahun

Kirimkan lamaran dan CV lengkap via POS ke :
HRD CV. Tangguh Jaya
HiTech Mall Lantai 2 B No. 21-22
Jl. Kusuma Bangsa No. 116 – 118
Atau via email ke :

Tgl. Penutupan : 22 Agustus 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lowongan di PT. Adhi Insan Mandiri Agustus 2010

PT. Adhi Insan Mandiri
Jl. Daan Mogot Km 12 Blok 14c
Jakarta Barat

we are a national fashion retail firm with more than 20 years of business experience in indonesia. as we are growing, we need strong candidates to fill our job vacancy :

Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2010 untuk :

* Manager Outlet (Mo)
* Supervisor (Spv)
* Administration (Adm)
* Cashier (Ca)
* SPG (S)

Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta Pusat

Persyaratan :

Manager Outlet

* Pria/Wanita, pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan


* Pria/Wanita, pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan

Staff Administrasi

* Pria/Wanita, pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SLTA (D3 lebih diutamakan), fresh graduate

Cashier & SPG

* Wanita, pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SLTA (D3 lebih diutamakan), fresh graduate

please send your applicaton letter and CV attach to :
HRD PT.Adhi Insan Mandiri

Tgl. Penutupan : 28 Agustus 2010

lowongan kerja agustus 2010 terbaru

PT.Bakrie Sentosa Raya, perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang IT Sollution , saat ini kami sedang mengembangkan usaha kerja sama dengan banyak Perusahaan-perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia . Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional untuk mengisi posisi yang sedang lowong.

PT. Bakrie Sentosa Raya
Menara Gracia Lt 15 , Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. C-17
Kuningan, Jakarta

Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2010 untuk :

1. IT Consultant (IC 01)
2. Business Consultant (BC 02)
3. Finance Director (FD 03)
4. Chief Operational (CO 04)

Lokasi Kerja di : JABODETABEK (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi)

Persyaratan :

1. IT Consultant (IC 01)

* Pria / Wanita , min usia 26 tahun
* Min pendidikan S1 dengan IP >2.8
* Berpengalaman dalam bidangnya minimal 1 tahun
* Mengerti tentang windows system , internet , dsb
* Bahasa inggris lisan & tulisan aktif
* Teliti , jujur , ulet

2. Business Consultant (BC 02)

* Pria / Wanita , min usia 26 tahun
* Min pendidikan S1 dengan IP > 2.8
* Berpengalaman dalam bidangnya minimal 1 tahun
* Mengerti tentang dunia bisnis dan dunia telekomunikasi
* Bahasa inggris lisan & tulisan aktif
* Jujur , teliti , ulet

3. Finance Director (FD 03)

* Pria / Wanita , min usia 27 tahun
* Min pendidikan S1 dengan IP > 2.8
* Berpengalaman dalam bidangnya minimal 1 tahun
* Mampu menghandle dan memanage Finance Division
* Mahir finance operating system
* Teliti , jujur , ulet , berdedikasi tinggi

4. Chief Operational (CO 04)

* Pria , min usia 28 tahun
* Min pendidikan S1 dengan IP > 2.8
* Berpengalaman dalam bidangnya minimal 1 tahun
* Mampu menghandle dan memanage Operational Division
* Bahasa inggris lisan & tulisan aktif
* Menguasai daerah Jabodetabek
* Jujur , berdedikasi tinggi , motivasi tinggi , suka tantangan

Apabila anda adalah salah satu dari kualifikasi di atas , segera kirimkan CV terbaru , aplikasi lamaran terbaru , pas photo ukuran 3×4 1 lembar ke alamat email :

Tgl. Penutupan : 27 Agustus 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010


Requires Data Analyst with the following qualifications:

Data Analyst (Code: DA)


1. Men max 28 yrs
2. S1 Statistics

3. 1 yr experience in analysis
4. Thorough and has strong analytical power
5. Excellent Excel, MS Access can be liked and understood the manufacture Query

Send complete resume your CV to email the following:
* Only candidates who meet the qualifications to be processed further
* Write the CODE : DA on the subject column

Lowongan Kerja Surabaya di Pusat Layanan Canon Juli 2010)

1. Product Manager, Pria/Wanita
– S1/D3, Maks 35 th, Penampilan menarik
– Pengalaman berorganisasi/memimpin
– Terbiasa bekerja dengan target
– Jujur, Ulet, kreatif, Wawasan luas

2. Sales Counter, Wanita
– S1/D3/SMA/K, Single, Penampilan menarik
– Jujur, Ulet, kreatif, Wawasan luas

3. Sales Project, Pria/Wanita
– S1/D3/SMA/K, Maks 35 th, Penampilan menarik
– Mempunyai kendaraan
– Jujur, Ulet, kreatif, Wawasan luas

4. TEKNISI HARDWARE, Printer/Monitor
– SMK Elektronika/Informatika, Pengalaman

5. Ass. ACCOUNTING, Wanita
– D3/SMK Akuntansi, Single, Bisa Pajak

Lamaran lengkap dikirim ke :
Pusat Layanan Canon
Hi-Tech Mall Lantai I B-8
Jl. Kusuma Bangsa 116 Surabaya
Tanggal penutupan 31 juli 2010

Lowongan Kerja Agustus 2010 Jabotabek

Perusahaan Human Recource Recruitment Service, Dengan mitra perusahaan besar (asing) membutuhkan SEGERA kandidat kandidat yang profesional. Membuka lowongan kerja Juli 2010 Jabotabek untuk :

1. GM / Manager Marketing ( GM MGR MKT)
2. Technical Manager (TM)
3. Operational Assistant (OA)
4. Sekretaris (SK)
5. Sales (SS)
6. Auditors SA 00 / ISSO 14000 (AU)
7. Finance Manager ( FM)
8. Ass. Manager Finance (AM)
9. Driver (DR)
10. HRD Manager

Persyaratan :

1. GM / Manager Marketing

* Pengalaman di posisi yang sama min. 3 thn
* Pria, usia max. 40 thn
* Terbiasa bekerja dengan target dan relation work baik
* Akitif Bahasa Inggris

2. Technical Manager

* Pria, usia max. 35 thn
* Mengetahui proses engineering produksi
* Mampu melaksanakan R & D produck
* Mampu membuat sistem dan prosedur alur produksi

3. Operational Assistant

* Pria, usia maksimal 30 thn
* Mengerti proses kerja legal, General affair & HRD
* Punya relation external yang baik

4. Lowongan Sekretaris 2010

* Wanita, usia max. 35 thn
* Pendidikan min. D3 Sekretaris
* Pengalaman di posisi yang sama min. 3 tahun

5. Sales

* Pria, usia max. 35 thn
* Pengalaman diposisi yang sama min. 2 thn

6. Auditors SA 00 / ISSO 14000

* Pria, usia max. 45 thn
* Pengalaman sebagai auditor ISO
* Dapat menunjukan sertifikat auditor ISO

7. Finance Manager

* Pria, wanita max. 40 thn
* Pengalaman di posisi yang sama min. 5 thn
* Min. S1 Accounting
* Pengalaman mengelola keuangan dan membuat laporan keuangan

8. Ass. Manager Finance

* Pria, wanita min. 35 thn
* Min. S1 Accounting
* Pengalaman di posisi yang sama min. 3 thn

9. Lowongan Driver 2010

* Usia max. 35 thn
* Pengalaman Driver min 2 thn

- Pria usia maksimal 40 tahun
- pendidikan minimal S1, hukum, managemen
- Pengalaman di posisi yang sama minimal 5 tahun
- Bahasa inggris aktiv

PT. Donata Agung Perkasa
JL. Kapten Tandean No 12 D
Jakarta selatan 12790
Tlpn : 021 – 7987073

Email :
Cc : (WAJIB di cc kan)
Website :

Catatan : Proses Recruitment tidak dipungut biaya apapun, cantumkan kode lamaran( wajib). Kirim lamaran (CV) & foto terbaru via Email sebelum 7 agustus 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lowongan kerja agustus di jakarta 2010

Kami sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Public Relations Consultant, telah berdiri selama 25 tahun. Jadi merupakan pelopor PR di Indonesia. Membuka lowongan kerja Agustus 2010 di Jakarta Selatan untuk :

1. Account Executive (Junior dan Senior)
2. Pressmonitoring Officer
3. Translator in-house
4. Translator freelance

Lokasi Lowongan Kerja di : Jakarta Selatan

Persyaratan Lowongan Jakarta Selatan Juli 2010 Juli Agustus :

1. Account Executive (Junior dan Senior)

* Pria/wanita usia maksimal 30 tahun
* Berlatar belakang pendidikan minimal D3 atau S1 Komunikasi, lebih disukai dari jurusan Public Relations
* Diutamakan sudah memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun di bidang yang sama atau berkaitan
* Menguasai/memiliki ketertarikan isu-isu seputar teknologi informasi, penerbangan sipil dan otomotif
* Fasih berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris merupakan keharusan baik lisan maupun tulis. Penguasaan bahasa asing lainnya dapat menjadi nilai tambah
* Menguasai aplikasi program Microsoft office
* Mampu bekerja secara individual maupun tim
* Lulus test yang diberikan
* Berkepribadian menarik, energik, suka tantangan dan berorientasi pada hasil
* Domisili di Jakarta Selatan/Barat
* Bersedia bekerja dengan sistem kontrak awal 3 bulan, dengan kemungkinan perpanjangan sesuai dengan evaluasi prestasi kerja

2. Pressmonitoring Officer

* Wanita, max 32 tahun
* Suka membaca, menganalisa dan mengambil kesimpulan dengan cepat dan tepat.
Bidang analisa : consumer goods, IT, financial/banking, economic, social, politic, automotive, etc.
* Mengetik dengan cepat dan akurat (teliti dan minim typing error)
* Jam kerja 06.30 s/d 15:30
* Biasa menggunakan program word dan excel juga internet
* Fresh graduate are welcome
* Lulus tes yang diberikan
* Job description : monitoring media (koran, majalah, online news), cutter, summary artikel sesuai kebutuhan klien dan administrasi.
* Mempunyai motivasi kerja yang tinggi, mengerti skala prioritas dalam bekerja, bertanggung jawab pada hasil kerja, dapat berkomunikasi dan bekerja sama dengan baik untuk klien dan dalam tim.
* Bisa melanjutkan ‘overtime’ bila diperlukan

Email :
Application letter, CV dan foto (dalam program word)(Tidak menerima lamaran via pos dan kurir)

PT Inti Pratama Manggara-IPMPR
Jl. RS Fatmawati No 15
Komp Golden Plasa ( DBest)
Blok G-10
Jakarta – Indonesia
Phone : 62-21-7658451 ( hunting)
Fax : 021-7657963
Penutupan 10 Agustus 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mobile Application Developer

Mobile Application Developer


* BS/MS in Computer Science or a related technical experience
* Professional software engineer with a record of shipping excellent product
* Good knowledge of Blackberry JDE 4.5 and above, BIS, Java ME, MIDP / CLDC
* Knowledge of other mobile platform such as Nokia Qt, Android, iPhone, Brew is a plus
* Great communicator, enjoys helping people, remains friendly and constructive under stress
* Productive coder, able to work effectively with object-oriented design
* Able to read and understand other people’s code as easily as you write your own
* Meticulous, self-motivated, and able to multi-task in a fluid environment

Send your resume, sample work, and Koprol username to

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cari info lowongan kerja

Anda cari info lowongan kerja ?
Jika ia maka anda sudah datang ke tempat yang tepat. Disini anda bisa mendapatkan berbagai informasi yang terkait dengan lowongan kerja dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia.

Apapun yang anda cari mungkin ada di sini semuanya. Jadi anda gak perlu repot-repot untuk mencari informasi lowongan kerja di tempat lainnya,.

Oke selamat bergabung dengan kami.
Salam sukses untuk kita semua

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Due to big expansion of our business in Indonesia, a fast growing Property Developer Company. We are looking for dynamic professionals to join our successful team as accounting staff and supervisor

With the following requirements:
* Able to work under-pressure
* Proactive person with good attitude to endure tight deadlines
* Can work as team as well as stand alone, with minimum or no supervision
* Computer literate (Microsoft, E-mail, Accounting software)
* Female ( for Accounting )
* Max age 35 years old
* Min 2 years experienced ( for Staff ), Min 3 years experienced ( for Supervisor ) in Property Company

Please send your detailed resume and put POSITION TITLE as SUBJECT on your email to:


Recruitment Dept Megapolitan Developments
The Bellagio Residence
Jl. Kawasan Mega Kuningan Barat Kav. E4 No. 3 Lt. 1 OL2-8
Jakarta 12950


Senior Programmer (Web Application)
Minimum 5 years experience
Skillful in CSS, PERL, PHP, ASP, JSP

Skillful in JavaScript, AJAX
Senior Programmer (DataBase)
Minimum 5 years experience
Skillful in Perl, MySQL, PostGreSQL
Senior Network Adminstrator
Minimum 5 years experience
Skillful in VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Skillful in FIREWALL prevention system
Senior Web Designer
Minimum 5 years experience
Skillful in Adobe Illustrator, DreamWeaver, PhotoShop and Flash
Skillful in CSS, JavaScript and AJAX
ALL job posting must be directed and submitted to
Only shortlisted will be notifed.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lowongan Kerja Lulusan SMU Hotel Puri Jaya Jakarta April 2010

Kami Membuka Kesempatan Bekerja Untuk Posisi Waiters dan Reservasi lDengan Penempatan di Jakarta.

Untuk melamar lowongan kerja april 2010 ini maka anda harus memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut :

* Education minimum SMIP (Accommodation Hospitality) / SMU (For high school graduates must be experienced as a waiter)
* Willing to Work SIFT
* Willing to Work Overtime
* Male
* Maximum age 26 years
* Appearance of Interest

Lowongan bagian reservasi

* Have good communication skills.
* Having a good working initiatives.
* Education minimum SMIP (Accommodation Hospitality) / SMU (For high school graduates must have experience as a Reservations / Staff Administration
* Female
* Maximum age 26 years.
* Not Married.
* Appearances Interesting.

Lamaran Bisa dikirim ke alamat :
Jl. Percetakan Negara V No.5 Rawasari, Cempaka Putih
Jakarta Pusat.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


In line with our company’s objective and organizational demand, we are currently seeking for:


Main Responsibility:

Perform secretarial duties, prepare divisional report, and integrate all information related to the division and other division in order to support Senior Manager’s activities as well as the division.


- Min D3 from secretarial academy or any related field
- Min 2 years of experience in handling secretarial duties
- Good command of English (both written and verbal)
- Good interpersonal, and communication skils
- Computer literate on Microsoft office application (Word, Excel and Powerpoint)
- Good personal appearance

If you consider yourself as a strong and convincing personality with total dedication to quality and customer satisfaction, we encourage you to apply for the above position. Please put the position’s code in the subject of your email and kindly send your comprehensive application letter and/or resume to:

RPX Holding delivers services of air transportation, customs clearance, freight forwarding,warehousing, domestic and international delivering goods. The company
runs an extensive network coverage area in 126 cities/districts and employs more than 1600 dedicated, skilled and professional individuals.
Supported by our fleets ranging from motorcycles, trucks, along with very own Boeing 737-200 aircrafts, we truly are total logistics solutions for our customers.


1. Mechanical Design Engineer

- Deliver innovative mechanical designs, fabrication, and specification for production
- Create piece part and assembly level CAD 3D models, drawings and design specifications. Apply Six Sigma design principles to ensure robustness and Design for Manufacturability

- Develop specific mechanical components / mechanisms to be integrated with final product
- Plan, schedule and manage mechanical project deliverables in a coordinated, multi-disciplinary project team environment. Responsible for all mechanical aspects of each project from design through to – release to tooling and manufacturing
- Ensure the integrity of all mechanical design outputs, including documentation, revision control, product regulatory testing and approvals, intellectual property opportunities, etc
- Coordinate with other functions outside of R&D including production, product management, outside agencies, vendors, etc
- Perform or direct tasks in support of new product development efforts such as drafting, literature, research, prototype fabrication, experiments, testing, etc. Assist in budget and resource forecasting for departmental activities and technical projects
- Carry out performance optimization, cost analyses, prototyping, and design support for production

- Bachelor / Diploma degree in Mechanical Engineering, preferably specialized in Design
- At least 2-3 years of hands-on experience designing mechanical components and assemblies.
- Good knowledge with 2D/3D CAD/ CAM software, preferably Vertex and Solid work, ProEng, and AutoCAD
- Must be able to create parts, multi-component assemblies and dimensioned drawings to company standards. Strong ability with geometric and dimensional tolerance analysis, tolerance stack-up and tolerance optimization.
- Strong background in materials, production fabrication techniques, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and processes including sheet metal processing, other background in injection molding, die-casting and machining will be an advantage.
- Must have a strong interest in R&D
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills and demonstrated ability in documenting technical work to make the complex simple.
- Emphasis will be placed on candidates who have demonstrated success in taking similar products through the complete design cycle
- Good command of spoken and written English
- Able to work in Lobam, Bintan, Kepulauan Riau

Interested candidates are invited to write in with a full resume,
stating present/expected salaries, and enclosing a recent photograph to


1. Mechanical Design Engineer

- Deliver innovative mechanical designs, fabrication, and specification for production
- Create piece part and assembly level CAD 3D models, drawings and design specifications. Apply Six Sigma design principles to ensure robustness and Design for Manufacturability

- Develop specific mechanical components / mechanisms to be integrated with final product
- Plan, schedule and manage mechanical project deliverables in a coordinated, multi-disciplinary project team environment. Responsible for all mechanical aspects of each project from design through to – release to tooling and manufacturing
- Ensure the integrity of all mechanical design outputs, including documentation, revision control, product regulatory testing and approvals, intellectual property opportunities, etc
- Coordinate with other functions outside of R&D including production, product management, outside agencies, vendors, etc
- Perform or direct tasks in support of new product development efforts such as drafting, literature, research, prototype fabrication, experiments, testing, etc. Assist in budget and resource forecasting for departmental activities and technical projects
- Carry out performance optimization, cost analyses, prototyping, and design support for production

- Bachelor / Diploma degree in Mechanical Engineering, preferably specialized in Design
- At least 2-3 years of hands-on experience designing mechanical components and assemblies.
- Good knowledge with 2D/3D CAD/ CAM software, preferably Vertex and Solid work, ProEng, and AutoCAD
- Must be able to create parts, multi-component assemblies and dimensioned drawings to company standards. Strong ability with geometric and dimensional tolerance analysis, tolerance stack-up and tolerance optimization.
- Strong background in materials, production fabrication techniques, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and processes including sheet metal processing, other background in injection molding, die-casting and machining will be an advantage.
- Must have a strong interest in R&D
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills and demonstrated ability in documenting technical work to make the complex simple.
- Emphasis will be placed on candidates who have demonstrated success in taking similar products through the complete design cycle
- Good command of spoken and written English
- Able to work in Lobam, Bintan, Kepulauan Riau

Interested candidates are invited to write in with a full resume,
stating present/expected salaries, and enclosing a recent photograph to


PT. Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari, one of the leading pharmaceuticals
distribution company in Indonesia is seeking high caliber individuals to
join as:

Purchasing Staff

Job specification

1. Min S1 any discipline

2. Minimum 2 years of professional experience in Purchasing Dept. of a

4. Proficient in MS Office / SAP.

5. Good team player with integrity, interpersonal, organization and time
management skills.

6. Conversant in English

7. Work well under pressure and able to work independently.

8. Able to start in short notice.

9. Good in writing, documentation, coordination and analytical skills.

Job accountabilities:
1. Ensure competent quality execution of all regular purchasing
duties and administrative works (including documents filling).

2. Maintain complete updated purchasing records/data and vendor
master in the SAP system.

3. Coordinate with user departments and suppliers in the purchasing
scope of work for projects assigned.

4. Handling and monitoring of claims vendors for defectives,
shortage, or missing parts.

5. Support relevant departments with quotations.

6. Coordinate with suppliers to ensure on-time delivery.

7. Responsible for the preparation and process purchase orders with
accuracy in accordance to specifications and comply to company policies
and procedures.

8. Source, select and negotiate for the best purchase package in
terms of quality, price, terms, deliveries and services with suppliers.

If you meet the requirements and are looking for a challenging job with
career development prospects, send your CV not later than 2 weeks after
this ads (please state your expected salary), to:


Graha Atrium Lt.12

Jl. Senen Raya No.135

Jakarta 10410


Friday, March 12, 2010


We are currently looking for qualified candidates for the following position:

Finance & Accounting Staff

• S1 degree in Accounting with 2 years experience in the same field
• Capable of handling a full set of company accounting & finance including journal voucher, cash/bank reconciliation, Profit & Loss report, balance sheet & forecasting
• Highly knowledgeable in tax regulations & capable of handling a full set of company tax reporting

• Experience in using accounting software, preferably MYOB
• Able to work under pressure and as a team player
• Honest, highly accurate, detail oriented and proactive

Please put the position as the subject of your email, and send your CV with recent photograph to:
Intimedia Talents is an Information Technology company specializing in Resource Management.



BASF is the world´s leading chemical company – The Chemical Company -with sales of EUR62,304 million in 2008. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products, agriculture products and fine chemicals to crude oil and natural gas. Founded in 1865, today BASF helps customers in more than 170 countries to be more successful through intelligent solutions and high-value products.

PT BASF Indonesia, a subsidiary of BASF SE, is seeking the suitable candidate to join the best team in industry for the position below:

Technical Sales Representative EB

Degree in Civil Engineering/Architecture
1-2 years sales experience or fresh graduate
Enthusiastic, result oriented and customer focus
Strong interpersonal, communication and selling skill
Enthusiastic. Strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skill
Good command of English
Willing to travel intensively

Technical Sales Representative CZ

S1 Chemical Engineering/Chemistry
Having good knowledge or experience in Intermediates Chemical/Coating/Ink Industry
Good command of English, both oral and written
Pleasant personality, independent, self starter & initiative
Willing to travel intensively
Computer literacy

An attractive compensation package will be offered commensurate with the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate.
Please send your coded complete application along with CV and recent photograph not later than 10 days after this advertisement to

Note : Please put the position as a Subject.

Sunday, February 14, 2010



*You will be in charge of:***

· All compensation and benefit function, monthly payroll, tax
calculation, insurance management, bonus computation, and its administration

*To be a successful in the position, you will be:*

- Male/Female
- University degree of any major
- Minimum 4 years of experience in HR with intensive exposure in
compensation & benefit.
- Having good understanding of insurance system & PPH regulation
- Having good skill in computer applications
- Strong sense of urgency, detail and meticulous

*Please send your comprehensive resume to:*


*Please indicate the position you apply for in the subject of your email*

Saturday, February 13, 2010


PT Sinar Niaga Sejahtera-member of Tudung Group
Was established in 1994 is one of the big 5 national distribution company in Indonesia since 2004. We distribute Fast Moving Consumer Goods of Garuda Food Product (food & beverage). Nowadays we have branches in all over Indonesia


· S1 Degree from any major, min GPA: 2.75 (scale 4)
· Fresh graduate are welcome
· Having Good Communication and leadership skill
· Having strong motivation, fighting spirit and eiger to learn
· Prefreably Having good communication in English
· Willing to be located in all over Indonesia

If You Think You´re the one, Please submit and complete your Application including:
· Application Letter
· CV
· Colour Photograph 3 x 4 (2)
· Foto copy ID card, certificate and academic transcript

before 4 Februari 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010


A joint venture company located at Kabupaten Pasuruan offers positions for highly motivated, energetic and deeply committed qualified professionals to strengthen our team in facing dynamic & rapid growth:


Responsibilities : coordinate, assign and monitor production planning schedule, good control of inventories and allocation of materials to support the achievement of overall sales and production target in term of On Time Delivery In Full and Good Quality.


Responsibilities: Responsible to manage all production activity, ensure smooth production in operation excellence. Demonstrate the sustainable continuous improvements, and leading subordinates in achieving target under harmonious working atmosphere.


Responsibilities : to lead and guide all manufacturing activities including maintenance with the primary objective to raise productivity level, sustainable continuous improvement, effective and efficient operation.


Responsibilities : Responsible to develop and maintaining Quality Control System and Procedure, providing technical services to product, product application and customer requirements.

5. R&D Manager – (RDM)

Responsibilities : Responsible for planning, direction and control of all research and development activities leading to new or improving existing product and process; product ideas and applicable research for business development.

6. Logistic Head – (LH)

Responsibilities : managing overall activities of logistic, transportation of cargoes, warehousing, stuffing and bulk shipment activities including all related custom issues. Report directly to Admin GM.

7. Sales Manager – (SM)

Responsibilities : Gaining significant growth on sales. Penetrating new market share, promoting product ideas and leading the team for service excellent enhancing value creation to the stakeholders.

8. Finance & Accounting Manager (FAM)

Responsibilities: Manage all Finance and Accounting dept activities, leading the team in providing high quality reporting system timely. Recommend efficiencies and cost effective actions for sustainable profit.

9. Mechanical Foreman – (MF)

10. Management Trainee – (MT)

Please send your complete CV & current photo to: (please quote the vacancy as the subject)

Note: only qualified candidates will be processed


PT. Metro Global Services is one of the establish contractor in
telecommunication in Jakarta, please kindly visit our website
Currently we are looking for the candidates this are the requires resources
for some positions below, kindly forward this information:

Admin & Finance

· Follow up for payments from customers

· Follow up for PO receipt and execution of orders

· Control/management of expenses

· Management of receivables

· Banking correspondence

· Primary co ordination between India and Indonesia office

· Preferably knowing English

· Female preferred

· *Willing to placed in MEDAN or local citizen*

Availability : Immediately

Kindly send application letter, latest CV, and photographs of potential
candidates to

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


We are a fast growing telecommunication services company inviting professionals to fulfilled challenging positions :


Job Description :

Design and create electronics circuit and software to provide all project and development

Accountabilities :
- Design and create electronics circuit
- Create microcontroller software
- Design and create AVLS System

Requirements :
- Male, Single, age max. 27 years old
- Hold Bachelor Degree Majoring Electrical Engineering from reputable universities
- Having ability in Electronic Circuit
- Having ability in Radio Communication
- Able in using MCS 51 Software
- Having ability in Microcontroller 8051
- Able in using Protel/ Eagle Software
- Understanding the basic of Helath & Safety Requirements

Please submit your resume CV, recent photograph and expected salary before 31 January 2010 to : or send mail to :
HRD Manager
Komp. D Best Fatmawati Blok J-5
Jl. RS. Fatmawati No. 15 Jakarta Selatan 12420

Lowongan Kerja Bursa Efek Indonesia Februari 2010

PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) merupakan Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) yang berperan sebagai fasilitator dalam perkembangan Pasar Modal Indonesia membuka kesempatan kerja. Dengan visi “Menjadi Bursa yang Kompetitif dengan Kredibilitas Tingkat Dunia”, kami terus memberikan perhatian besar bagi Sumber Daya Manusia kami. Saat ini kami mencari bakat-bakat terbaik yang memiliki minat untuk mengembangkan diri di bidang Pasar Modal untuk memenuhi posisi berikut:

Staf Sistem Manajemen TI (SM – OTI)
(Jakarta Raya)

~ Perempuan, maksimal 28 tahun
~ Pendidikan S1 jurusan Ilmu Komputer / Teknik Informatika, dengan IPK min 3,00
~ Fresh Graduate atau pengalaman lebih diutamakan
~ Memahami Manajemen TI
~ Dapat bekerja secara multitasking
~ Memiliki kemandirian dalam bertindak dan beraktivitas
~ Memiliki integritas dan komitmen terhadap tugas serta tanggung jawab yang tinggi
~ Memiliki jiwa dan kemampuan pelayanan yang baik
~ Mampu bekerja dalam tim
~ Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan mampu memberikan kesan profesional
~ Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang kuat
~ Memiliki motivasi dan keinginan yang kuat untuk berkembang
~ Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas tentang pasar modal Indonesia

Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, fotokopi ijasah, transkrip akademik, dan foto berwarna (4×6) 1 lembar ke alamat:

Email: dan

Atau Via Pos

Divisi SDM
PT Bursa Efek Indonesia
Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Tower I, Lt. 6
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190

Penutupan lowongan 4 februari 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Lowongan BUMN PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia untuk S1 Pertanian Ekonomi & Teknik


Sebuah BUMN Perdagangan di Jakarta membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk tenaga profesional :


Kualifikasi :
~ Pria / Wanita
~ Usia maksimal 28 tahun
~ Minimal Sarjana Jurusan Administrasi Niaga, Ekonomi, Manajemen, Teknik Industri, Teknik Sipil dan Pertanian
~ IPK > 2.75
~ Fresh Graduate atau Pengalaman bekerja min 1 tahun
~ Mampu mengaplikasikan program Office
~ Mampu bekerja dalam tim dan bersedia bekerja over time
~ Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Kirimkan lamaran, CV Lengkap (Foto 4×6= 2 lembar), Ijazah & transkip legalisir) paling lambat tanggal 24 januari 2010 melalui email dan pos ke :

Wisma ITC, Jl. Abdul Muis No.8 lt.3 Jakarta Pusat 10160

Atau melalui email :


PT.COMBIPHAR, an aggressive pharmaceutical company are seeking high caliber & result-oriented individual to fill the lowongan as :

Requirements :
~ Female with maximum age 30 years old
~ Minimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantage
~ Computer literate (MS Office) and having a good administration skill
~ Mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team

Requirements :
~ Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
~ Degree with major in Accounting from reputable university
~ Minimum 2 years experience in related area
~ Having Experience in manufacturing industry are preferred
~ Having knowledge in SAP (FI-CO module) would be an added advantage
~ Having Brevet A & B will be an advantage
~ Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team

Requirements :
~ Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
~ Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university, graduated from any major
~ Having experienced as Supervisor in Pharmaceutical Company minimum for 2 years
~ Excellent in sales and negotiation skills
~ Excellent in communication,networking and leadership skills
~ Having driving license (SIM A)
~ Selected candidate will be placed to all our branches throughout Indonesia

Requirements :
~ Male / Female, maximum age 40 years old
~ Bachelor degree or Master degree in Accounting from reputable university
~ Minimum 5 years experience as Accounting Manager preferable from manufacturing industry
~ Preferably having experience working in “Big Five” Public Accounting Firm
~ Able to make feasibility study, forecasting and budgeting control
~ Strong knowledge of financial report , accounting principles and tax regulation
~ Proficient in SAP (FI-CO module) would be an added advantage
~ Having Brevet A & B is a must
~ Good leadership and interpersonal relationship
~ Fluent in English both oral & written

Requirements :
~ Male / Female, maximum age 40 years old
~ Bachelor degree or Master degree in Accounting from reputable university
~ Minimum 5 years experience as Tax Manager preferable from manufacturing industry
~ Preferably having experience working in “Big Five” Public Accounting Firm
~ Having deep understanding in Indonesian Tax Regulation, Import Regulation and PSAK (Prinsip Standar Akuntansi Keuangan)
~ Proficient in SAP (FI-CO module) would be an added advantage
~ Having Brevet A & B is a must
~ Good leadership and interpersonal relationship
~ Fluent in English both oral & written

Requirements :
~ Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
~ Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university from any major
~ Having minimum 2 years experience as supervisor
~ Having good communication and intrepersonal skill
~ Acting as HR Generalist by providing support to HR manager in executing various areas HR
activities such as Recruitment and Selection, Organization and People
Development, HR General Administration, Filling, etc
~ Having strong computer literate (MS Office, Internet and HRIS )

Requirements :
~ Male / Female with maximum age 29 years old
~ Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university from any major
~ Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
~ Having interest working with target
~ Having good communication and intrapersonal skill
~ No complaints of working with long hours
~ Having own motorcycle and its license (SIM C)
~ Selected candidate will be placed to all our branches throughout Indonesia

Forward your CV and put your job code with current photograph, maximum 2 weeks from this advertisement and stated your expected salary, to:

Graha Atrium Building 15th Floor
Jl.Senen Raya 135
Jakarta Pusat

Or Email to :