Monday, June 29, 2009

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

Info lowongan kerja terbaru 2009

Lowongan kerja terbaru tahun 2009. Info lowongan kerja ini disajikan untuk anda para pencari kerja semoga bermanfaat. Untuk mempermudah pencarian lowongan kerja saya pisahkan berdasarkan jenis pekerjaan dan bulan lowongan kerja tersebut di buka
Lihat update lowongan kerja terbaru

Lowongan kerja terbaru

Lowongan kerja Oktober 2009 Administrasi akuntansi angkasa pura apoteker astra bank Indonesia bank mandiri bi bulog bumn pns cpns 2009 departemen deplu deptan editor finance fotografer freelance freeport fresh graduate garuda indonesia hari ini hotel hrd terbaru hukum indonesia indosat it its jasa marga jember jateng jawa pos jawa timur jogja 2009 terbaru lampung legal lsm makassar manajemen medan terbaru medco mekanik migas minyak model nestle ngajar ngo oil and gas oil company oil gas pekerjaan 2009 terbaru perawat pln 2009 pns qc rcti rumah sakit sekretaris semarang sinar mas sma solo spg suara merdeka supir surabaya telekomunikasi telkom 2009 telkomsel terbaru uii unilever untuk sma video editor welder wika wartawan xl yamaha yogya yogyakarta Oktober 2009 2010 2011

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Sekilas info bagi pengguna speedy

Info terbaru 2009 daftar speedy 1 Mbps di seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Balapulang, Balikpapan, Bandar Lampung, Bandar Sedayu, Bandung, Bandung, Banjarnegara, Bantul, Baru bisa dinikmati untuk pelanggan Speedy Unlimited dan Profesional, Batam, Batang, Bekasi, Bogor, Brebes, Bulakamba, Bumiayu, Cilacap, Cirebon, Jakarta, Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta Timur, Jakarta Utara, Jember, Jepara, Jogjakarta, Kalbar, Kaltimsel, Kaltimteng, Karang Anyar, Karawang, Kebumen, Kediri, Kedungwuni, Ketanggungan, Kroya, Kudus, Kutoarjo, Kutowinangun, Lampung, Madiun, Magelang, Malang, Medan, Medan, Metro, Muntilan, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Pontianak, Purbalingga, Purwokerto, Purworejo, Riau Kepulauan, Salatiga, Samarinda, Semarang, Slawi, Sleman, Solo, Surabaya, Surabaya, Surabaya Barat, Surabaya Timur, Tangerang, Tangerang, Tegal, Temanggung, Ungaran, Wates, Wonosobo

Dari daftar kota tersebut yang sudah memperoleh fasilitas 1Mbps hanya untuk nomer yg di mulai sbb:
11x2xxxxxxxx, 11x6xxxxxxxx, 11x8xxxxxxxx, 11x8xxxxxxxx, 12x1xx2xxxxx, 12x2xx2xxxxx, 12x3xx2xxxxx, 12x3xx2xxxxx, 12x3xx2xxxxx, 12x4xx2xxxxx, 12x5xx2xxxxx, 12x6xx2xxxxx, 12x7xx2xxxxx, 13x1xxxxxxxx, 13x2xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x1xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x2xxxxxxxx, 14x3xxxxxxxx, 14x3xxxxxxxx, 14x3xxxxxxxx, 14x3xxxxxxxx, 14x3xxxxxxxx, 14x3xxxxxxxx, 14x4xxxxxxxx, 14x4xxxxxxxx, 14x4xxxxxxxx, 14x4xxxxxxxx, 14x5xxxxxxxx, 14x5xxxxxxxx, 15x3xxxxxxxx, 15x4xxxxxxxx, 15x5xxxxxxxx, 15x6xxxxxxxx, 15x6xxxxxxxx, 15x7xxxxxxxx, 16x1xxxxxxxx, 16x3xxxxxxxx, 16x6xxxxxxxx

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


We are Consultant Company in Human Resources and Engineering
seeking for people to fulfill the position below with the following

IT/Technical Support

D3/S1 - IT/Computer
Experience dealing with server and network
Knowledge of different versions of windows
Awareness of compatibility issues
They will need experience of hardware maintenance and
Fluent in English both written and spoken
Full time job (11.00 - 20.00 WIB)

Suitable candidate should submit
comprehensive Curriculum Vitae in ENGLISH
and Expected Salary to:
(Only short listed candidates
will be contacted)


PT Graha Megaria Raya ( Citos / Cilandak Town Square Jakarta ) is currently seeking for qualified candidates to fill for the position :

Requirements :
1. S1 Psychology
2. Age between 30 - 35 year old
3. Has experience in similar position more than two year is an advantage
4. Good team player, high motivation, responsible and able to communicate well, great attitude, pleasant personality
Send your CV & Recent photo within 2 weeks to :
President Director
PT Graha Megaria Raya
Townsquare Cilandak 2nd Floor
Jl. T.B Simatupang, Kav.17, Jakarta 12430
or e mail to :
Only who meet qualifications will be contacted. Thank you


We are a company that produces electrical wires
telecommunication cables and cable related accessories. Our company is one of
the leading cable manufacturers in Indonesia . Now, we are looking for the best
and brightest candidates to fill the positions of:


Requirements :

Male / Female.Age max 26 years old.Holds Bachelor Degree in
Technical ( Industry, Electro, machine ) from Reputable University.Ipk min 2,75 / 4.Good computer skills
(Microsoft Office).Fast learner, hard working,
can work under pressure.

Fresh graduate are welcome to apply.

Please send your application, curriculum vitae, recent photograph to and write “Management Trainee” as your


one of the biggest telecommunication industry in Jakarta are currently seeking highly caliber candidate to work in their offices in Jakarta as:



1.. Male with maximum age 35 years old.
2.. Minimum Bachelor from Telecommunication Engineer/ Information Of Technology/Information Systems.
4.. Having experience minimum 3 YEARS in WEB PROGRAMMING

Please send your updated resume with photograph no later than June 12, 2009

PT. Dutagriya Sarana (DGS)

Golden Plaza (D’Best Fatmawati) Blok B/34

Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 15 Jakarta Selatan


Email : and

Please put position code in your email subject.

All applications will be treated in highest confidentiality and only short-listed candidates will be notified.



We are a fast growing telecommunication services company
inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging positions:

- Male, max 30 years old. S1 in Technology of Electrical/Telecommunication Engineering.
- Experience in same position, preferably having minimum 1 years experience in coordinating RBS- Minilink Intergration, Testing, and Commissioning withMicrowave Huawei and ZTE

- Male, max 28 years old. S1 in Technology of Electrical/Telecommunication Engineering.
- Experience in same position , preferably having minimum 1 years experience in RBS- Minilink Intergration, Testing, and Commissioning of Huawei and ZTE product.

- Male, max 28 years old. D3/S1 in Technology of Electrical/Telecommunication Engineering.
- Experience in same position with Microwave Huawei and ZTE


* Graduated from reputable universities Min. GPA 2.85 from 4 scale

* Computer literate
* Good team player
* Strong interpersonal, problem solving, and analytical thinking.
* Having basic knowledge about KPI, Health & safety requirements
* Willing for out of town assignment

If you are interested in career opportunity with us,

please submit your complete CV/resume & recent photograph not latter than June 30, 2009.

email to:


PT Alexandra Bali tour which located in kuta bali.
Alexandra Bali tour was opend on may 2009.
we are looking for tour guide who can speak english and arabian.
Pls send fax of Application and CV to 0361 - 8444852
Thank you

LOWONGAN KERJA Astra Otoparts Group 2009

PT. AT Indonesia is one of the largest Casting and Machining Component/Part Automotive and Non-automotive Manufacturing in Indonesia . We are joint venture between PT. Astra Otoparts, Tbk and Aisin Takaoka Japan . Now, we are seeking for talented and high caliber candidates who are looking for more challenges and better future to join as part our growth for the following positions :

· Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering background.
· Male
· Fresh Graduate
· GPA Min 2.75 from reputable university
· Max age 27 years old
· The candidate must have good command in English
· Having strong personality, strong leadership, communication skill, good analytical teamwork and creativity, pressure persistent and adaptable.


Bachelor Degree degree in relevant field.
Having experience and knowledge in EHS
Having 2 years experience in manufacturing, fresh graduate welcome to apply
· GPA Min 2.75 from reputable university
· Max age 27 years old
· The candidate must have good command in English
· Having strong personality, strong leadership, communication skill, good analytical teamwork and creativity, pressure persistent and adaptable.

· Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering
· Male
· Fresh Graduate
· GPA Min 2.75 from reputable university
· Max age 27 years old
· The candidate must have good command in English
· Having strong personality, strong leadership, communication skill, good analytical teamwork and creativity, pressure persistent and adaptable.

NOTE : Write the position you apply at email subject

Please send your application by post mail not later than June 24th, 2009 to:
HRD Department
PT. AT Indonesia
JL. Maligi III H1-5, Kawasan Industri KIIC
Karawang 41361
Or by e-mail to:


Sapta Sarana Sejahtera as an authorized agency for
international bank from USA is looking for position with the following requirement :

HR Officer
Requirements :
* Male
* Max age 27
* Min D3 with GPA 2.7
* Energic & Initiative
* Willing to learn
* Excellent communication skill
* Computer literate (MS Office)
* Good in English
* Experiance as HR Staff (know indonesian labour law)
* Ready to work under presure

Recruitment Leader:
* Male/Female
* Max age 35
* Min D3 with GPA 2.7
* Energic & Initiative
* Excellent communication skill
* Computer literate (MS Office)
* Good in English
* Experience as Recruitment Leader min 2 years
* Common handle team
* Good Team work
* Ready to work under target

We offer :
* Basic salary
* Allowance for leader
* Health insurance*

Please send your application with complete resume via
email to :, by
June 30, 2009 at the latest.


We are glad to inform you that Garuda Indonesia Flight Attendants Recruitment is being extended until the positions are fully filled. Applicants who have previously applied need not to re-apply but are welcome to submit additional data to support previously submitted application.

For more info please contact Garuda Indonesia Branch Office:

Surabaya (SUB) : 031-5468501 - Mr. Ihwan

Padang (PDG): 0751-30737, 30172 - Mrs. Yurni

Solo (SOC): 0271-7650475 - Mr. Alfari/Agung

Semarang (SRG): 024-8454737 - Mr. Gatot/Parlan

Jogyakarta (JOG): 0274-558470 - Mr. Pratitis

Bandung (BDO): 022-4209468 - Mr. Yusuf

Banda Aceh (BTJ): 0651-33666 - Mr. Faisal

Jakarta (JKT): 021-55915654 - Mrs. Magiring

Medan (MES): 061-4556777 Ext.5126 - Mr. Agus Salim

Balikpapan (BPN): 0542-422300 - Mr. Sumedi

Banjarmasin (BDJ): 0511-3366787 - Mr.Warih

Palembang (PLM): 0711-315333 - Mr. Farial/Suparjo

Manado (MDC): 0431-877707 - Mr. Jefri

Makassar (UPG): 0411-320312 - Mr. Rudi/Dian

Denpasar (DPS) : 0361-233711 - Mr. Ngakan

Refer to Garuda Indonesia Recruitment

Application can also be sent to or for each Branch Office (BO) can be sent to
(XXX is 3 letter code for each BO eq. for BO Medan (MES),

Recruitment Team