PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) mengundang Anda yang mempunyai semangat, integritas tinggi, ulet, dan kompeten untuk bergabung dan mengembangkan karir menjadi Tenaga PKWT untuk posisi:
Jenjang SLTA
1. Pelaksana Pertolongan Kecelakaan Penerbangan – Pemadam Kebakaran/ PKP-PK (Fire Fighting & Rescue)
1. Pelaksana Pengamanan Bandara (Aviation Security)
Jenjang Sarjana/Diploma
1. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services (ATC,AIS,FSO)
2. Pelaksana Apron Movement Control (AMC)/Airport Officer Center (AOC )
3. Pelaksana Teknik Elektronika
4. Pelaksana Teknik Listrik Mekanikal & Peralatan (TLMP)
5. Pelaksana Teknik Umum
6. Pelaksana Personalia dan Umum
7. Pelaksana Keuangan / Akuntansi
8. Pelaksana Komersial
A. Sumber Umum;
1. Batas usia:
* Usia minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 22 tahun , bagi pelamar dengan pendidikan SLTA ;
* Usia minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 24 tahun bagi pelamar yang telah memiliki SKP/STKP (Surat Tanda Kecakapan Personil / Surat Tanda Kecakapan Personil ) yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Perhubungan c.q. Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara ;
* Usia maksimal 24 tahun bagi pelamar dengan pendidikan D2,;
* Usia maksimal 28 tahun bagi pelamar dengan pendidikan D3/S1.
2. Belum menikah yang dinyatakan oleh pejabat yang berwenang, serendah-rendahnya oleh Lurah ;
3. IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4) bagi pelamar tingkat Diploma / S1 ;
4. Rata-rata nilai Ujian Akhir Nasional adalah 6,5 bagi pelamar tingkat SLTA ;
5. Berbadan sehat yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Dokter dan tidak berkacamata/contact lens untuk fungsi PAM, PKP-PK, ATS dan AMC ;
6. Berkelakuan baik yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian;
7. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT AP II ;
8. Bersedia bekerja dengan pola shifting;
9. Mengikuti seluruh tahapan seleksi .
B. Sumber Internal/Outsourcing
1. Yang berhak menggunakan jalur sumber internal adalah karyawan dari perusahaan outsourcing di lingkungan PT AP II . Selain karyawan dari perusahaan outsourcing di lingkungan PT AP II masuk kategori umum. Pelamar umum yang mendaftarkan diri dalam kelompok sumber internal otomatis akan dinyatakan gugur.
2. Usia minimal 18 tahun maksimal 35 tahun ;
3. IPK minimal 2, 7 (skala 4) bagi pelamar tingkat Diploma/ S1 ;
4. Berbadan sehat yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Dokter dan tidak berkacamata/contact lens untuk fungsi PAM, PKP-PK, ATS dan AMC;
5. Berkelakuan baik yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian;
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT AP II;
7. Bersedia bekerja dengan pola shifting ;
8. Mengikuti seluruh tahapan seleksi .
1. Pelaksana Pengamanan Bandara (Aviaton Security)
* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan SLTA (Umum/Kejuruan) , lebih disukai lulusan Diploma semua jurusan ;
* Tinggi badan minimal 165 cm (untuk pria) dan 160 cm (untuk wanita);
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
2. Pelaksana Pertolongan Kecelakaan Penerbangan – Pemadam Kebakaran / PKP-PK (Fire Fighting & Rescue)
* Pria;
* Pendidikan SLTA (Umum/ Kejuruan Teknik);
* Tinggi badan 165 cm;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
3. Pelaksana Apron Movement Control / AMC
* Pria;
* Pendidikan D3 Manajemen Operasi Bandar Udara (POBU), Penerbangan/Transportasi Udara , Informatika ;
* Tinggi badan minimal 165 cm;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
4. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services – ATC
* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D2 Pengatur Lalu Lintas Udara (RLLU), D3 Pengatur Lalu Lintas Udara (PLLU), D4 Ahli Pengatur Lalu Lintas Udara, dan memiliki SKP Junior ATC;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
5. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services – AIS
* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D2 Pengatur Penerangan Aeronautika (RPA) , D3 Penilik Penerangan Aeronautika (PPA) , memiliki SKP Junior AIS;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/ contact lens.
6. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services – FSO
* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D2 Pengatur Komunikasi Penerbangan ( RKP /FSO) , D3 Penilik Komunikasi Penarbangan (PKP) , D3 Penilik Penerangan Aeronautika ( PPA) dan memiliki SKP Junior FSO;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/ contact lens.
7. Pelaksana Teknik Elektronika;
* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Teknik Elektronika, D3 Penilik Telekomunikasi Radio (PTR) , D3 Teknik Navigasi Udara(TNU) , D4 Ahli Teknik Navigasi Udara (ATNU), D3 lebih disukai S1 Teknik Informatika;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/ contact lens .
8. Pelaksana Teknik Listrik Mekanikal & Peralatan / TLMP
* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Teknik Listrik/ Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat) , D3 Penilik Teknik Listrik Bandara (PTL) , D4 Ahli Teknik Listrik Bandara(ATLB)
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/ contact lens .
9. Pelaksana Teknik Umum
* Diutamakan Pria ;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Teknik Sipil;
* Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/ contact lens .
10. Personalia & Umum
* Diutamakan Pria;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Manajemen , Manajemen Informatika , Hukum , Adm. Perhubungan Udara , Ilmu Sosial ;
* Tidak buta warna .
11. Pelaksana Keuangan & Akuntansi
* Diutamakan Pria;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Manajemen Keuangan, Akuntansi, Manajemen Asset ;
* Tidak buta warna.
12. Pelaksana Komersial
* Pria/Wanita;
* Pendidikan D3 lebih disukai S1 Manajemen , Administrasi Perhubungan Udara(APU) , Manajemen Transportasi Udara , Manajemen Bandar Udara/Penerbangan ;
* Tidak buta warna.
1. Aplikasi lamaran hanya melalui on-line. Tidak ada jalur lain yang digunakan untuk pengiriman lamaran.
2. Bagi Pelamar yang pernah mengirimkan lamaran ke PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) diwajibkan memperbaharui lamaran dengan tata cara ini.
3. Pelamar wajib memiliki alamat e-mail pribadi yang masih aktif untuk dapat mengikuti proses seleksi ini. Kami tidak melayani alamat e-mail yang salah input oleh pelamar.
4. Setelah mengisi formulir aplikasi dan mengirimkannya kembali secara on-line , pelamar akan mendapat konfirmasi registrasi . Konfirmasi tersebut berisi nomor registrasi yang akan digunakan selama proses seleksi. Anda tidak dapat menerima e-mail registrasi apabila alamat e-mail yang anda input salah dan atau sudah tidak aktif, sehingga anda tidak bisa log-in untuk pengumuman selanjutnya.
5. Pelamar hanya diperkenankan melakukan satu kali registrasi on-line. Untuk itu pastikan Anda telah menuliskan semua data dengan benar, sebelum menekan tombol KIRIM . Kami tidak melayani perbaikan data yang salah input oleh pelamar.
6. Pelamar wajib mengisi aplikasi dengan data/informasi yang sebenar-benarnya karena data ini akan diklarifikasi dengan benar saat pelaksanaan verifikasi dokumen.
7. Masa waktu registrasi on-line adalah 23 – 31 Oktober 2010
8. Aplikasi yang masuk setelah batas akhir registrasi dan atau tidak melamar secara on-line, dianggap tidak berlaku.
9. Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat serta Panitia tidak melayani surat menyurat.
10. Pada setiap tahapan seleksi, hanya pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus dapat masuk ke tahap seleksi berikutnya.
11. Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi ini tidak dikenakan biaya apapun .
12. Segala biaya transportasi dan akomodasi para pelamar menjadi tanggungan pribadi pelamar.
13. Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi dan pelamar yang berhak mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya dapat dilihat di website pada 9 – 14 November 2010
1. Bagi Anda yang kemudian dinyatakan lolos seleksi administrasi, akan diminta hadir pada Tes Tahap I di lokasi dan waktu yang tercantum di bawah dengan membawa dokumen dan kelengkapan sebagai berikut :
* Kartu Tanda Penduduk yang masih berlaku, asli dan fotocopy
* Fotocopy ijazah yang sesuai dengan persyaratan pendidikan dan telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang
* Fotocopy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang
* Fotocopy sertifikat keahlian lainnya yang relevan
* Fotocopy akte kelahiran dari instansi berwenang
* Data Riwayat Hidup yang harus didownload dari website setelah Anda log in, data riwayat hidup yang telah diisi diserahkan dalam bentuk print out
* Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian
* Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter
* Kartu Peserta Seleksi yang harus didownload dari website setelah Anda log in. Mohon dilengkapi dan ditempel foto, kemudian dibawa dalam bentuk print out pada setiap tahapan tes
* Pas Foto Berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 berlatar belakang merah sebanyak 2 lembar
* Surat Pernyataan keabsahan dokumen yang harus didownload dari website setelah Anda log in, surat pernyataan yang telah diisi dan ditandatangani di atas materai diserahkan dalam bentuk print out
* Surat Pernyataan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT AP II yang harus didownload dari website setelah Anda log in, surat pernyataan yang telah diisi dan ditandatangani di atas materai diserahkan dalam bentuk print out
* Surat Keterangan Belum Menikah dari pejabat yang berwenang serendah-rendahnya dikeluarkan oleh Lurah (khusus untuk pelamar umum);
* Alat tulis: pensil 2B, bolpoint, dan penghapus
2. Seluruh berkas dimasukkan ke dalam map folio
* Warna biru untuk pelamar umum
* Warna merah untuk pelamar internal/outsourcing
Tuliskan nama dan nomor registrasi Anda pada map tersebut.
3. Mohon mempersiapkan seluruh dokumen dengan lengkap dan benar. Jika ditemukan ketidaklengkapan dokumen dan/atau ketidaksesuaian data pada dokumen dengan berkas lamaran, Anda akan dinyatakan gugur pada Tes Tahap I
1. Seleksi Administrasi
2. Tes Fisik (Performance Test), khusus untuk posisi Pelaksana Pengamanan Bandara, Pertolongan Kecelakaan Penerbangan – Pemadam Kebakaran, dan Pelaksana Apron Movement Control
3. Tes Pengetahuan Umum/Substansial dan Bahasa Inggris
4. Tes Psikologis
5. Tes Kesehatan
6. Wawancara Akhir
* Lokasi tes : Jakarta , Banda Aceh, Medan , Padang, Palembang, Pontianak, Pekanbaru, Tanjung Pinang, Jambi, Pangkal Pinang.
* Waktu tes : diberitahukan lebih rinci pada saat pengumuman per tahap
Untuk melakukan pendaftaran, silakan melihat di link berikut ini :
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Lowongan Kerja di Trakindo Utama PT,
PT TRAKINDO UTAMA was established in 1970 by the owner, Mr. AHK Hamami. The company became the authorized dealer for Caterpillar in 1971 and now has more than 60 branches throughout the country from Sumatra to Papua. Backed by unbeatable support facilities and an extensive spare parts supply network, Trakindo provides world-class service to customers in the mining, construction, forestry, agricultural, energy and industrial sectors. The “Customer Services Company” is Trakindo new motto.
We are inviting young Indonesian graduates & professionals to fill the following positions:
A. Service Manager
B. Technical Support / Service Superintendent
C. Technical Support / Service Supervisor
General ReQuirements:
• Graduate from a reputable University / Technical College
• Min. 5 years experience and 2 years in similar position
• Excellent command of English, both orally and in writing. Possess computer literacy (MS Office)
• Be a good team player enthusiastic proactive and have excellent interactive skills with all level of management and staffs.
• Good interaction with people, team player with strong creativity & result oriented
• Strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skill
• Having good knowledge in CATERPILLAR heavy equipment product
• Willing to be based at any branches throughout Indonesia
Specific Requirements:
• Knowledge in technical & mechanical system of heavy equipment, and repair maintenance procedures and dealer service operations
• Knowledge in occupational safety & health management system
Attractive remuneration packages including pension scheme and other benefits, career development opportunities will be provided to selected / chosen candidates.
Please send your resume to:
PT Trakindo Utama
or PO BOX 2282/JKT 12560 – Indonesia or visit our website: (human resource/career)
Not laterthan October 30th, 20
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
PT Trakindo Utama is the authorized dealer in Indonesia for Caterpillar products, the world’s largest manufacturer of mining, forestry, agriculture and construction equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial engines and generator sets.
The Caterpillar equipment product range includes articulated trucks, backhoe loaders, compactors, excavators, integrated toolcarriers, material handlers, motor graders, multi terrain loaders, off-highwaytrucks , off-highway tractors, pipelayers, scrapers, skid steer loaders, telehandlers, track-type tractors, track loaders, wheel dozers, underground mining equipment, paving equipment, forest machines, and industrial prime movers.
We are inviting young Indonesian graduates & professionals to fill the following positions:
A. Service Manager
B. Technical Support / Service Superintendent
C. Technical Support / Service Supervisor
General ReQuirements:
• Graduate from a reputable University / Technical College
• Min. 5 years experience and 2 years in similar position
• Excellent command of English, both orally and in writing. Possess computer literacy (MS Office)
• Be a good team player enthusiastic proactive and have excellent interactive skills with all level of management and staffs.
• Good interaction with people, team player with strong creativity & result oriented
• Strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skill
• Having good knowledge in CATERPILLAR heavy equipment product
• Willing to be based at any branches throughout Indonesia
Specific Requirements:
• Knowledge in technical & mechanical system of heavy equipment, and repair maintenance procedures and dealer service operations
• Knowledge in occupational safety & health management system
Attractive remuneration packages including pension scheme and other benefits, career development opportunities will be provided to selected / chosen candidates.
Please send your resume to:
PT Trakindo Utama
or PO BOX 2282/JKT 12560 – Indonesia or visit our website: (human resource/career)
Not laterthan October 30th, 20
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
PT Trakindo Utama is the authorized dealer in Indonesia for Caterpillar products, the world’s largest manufacturer of mining, forestry, agriculture and construction equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial engines and generator sets.
The Caterpillar equipment product range includes articulated trucks, backhoe loaders, compactors, excavators, integrated toolcarriers, material handlers, motor graders, multi terrain loaders, off-highwaytrucks , off-highway tractors, pipelayers, scrapers, skid steer loaders, telehandlers, track-type tractors, track loaders, wheel dozers, underground mining equipment, paving equipment, forest machines, and industrial prime movers.
Lowongan Kerja di Trakindo Utama PT,
PT TRAKINDO UTAMA was established in 1970 by the owner, Mr. AHK Hamami. The company became the authorized dealer for Caterpillar in 1971 and now has more than 60 branches throughout the country from Sumatra to Papua. Backed by unbeatable support facilities and an extensive spare parts supply network, Trakindo provides world-class service to customers in the mining, construction, forestry, agricultural, energy and industrial sectors. The “Customer Services Company” is Trakindo new motto.
We are inviting young Indonesian graduates & professionals to fill the following positions:
A. Service Manager
B. Technical Support / Service Superintendent
C. Technical Support / Service Supervisor
General ReQuirements:
• Graduate from a reputable University / Technical College
• Min. 5 years experience and 2 years in similar position
• Excellent command of English, both orally and in writing. Possess computer literacy (MS Office)
• Be a good team player enthusiastic proactive and have excellent interactive skills with all level of management and staffs.
• Good interaction with people, team player with strong creativity & result oriented
• Strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skill
• Having good knowledge in CATERPILLAR heavy equipment product
• Willing to be based at any branches throughout Indonesia
Specific Requirements:
• Knowledge in technical & mechanical system of heavy equipment, and repair maintenance procedures and dealer service operations
• Knowledge in occupational safety & health management system
Attractive remuneration packages including pension scheme and other benefits, career development opportunities will be provided to selected / chosen candidates.
Please send your resume to:
PT Trakindo Utama
or PO BOX 2282/JKT 12560 – Indonesia or visit our website: (human resource/career)
Not laterthan October 30th, 20
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
PT Trakindo Utama is the authorized dealer in Indonesia for Caterpillar products, the world’s largest manufacturer of mining, forestry, agriculture and construction equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial engines and generator sets.
The Caterpillar equipment product range includes articulated trucks, backhoe loaders, compactors, excavators, integrated toolcarriers, material handlers, motor graders, multi terrain loaders, off-highwaytrucks , off-highway tractors, pipelayers, scrapers, skid steer loaders, telehandlers, track-type tractors, track loaders, wheel dozers, underground mining equipment, paving equipment, forest machines, and industrial prime movers.
We are inviting young Indonesian graduates & professionals to fill the following positions:
A. Service Manager
B. Technical Support / Service Superintendent
C. Technical Support / Service Supervisor
General ReQuirements:
• Graduate from a reputable University / Technical College
• Min. 5 years experience and 2 years in similar position
• Excellent command of English, both orally and in writing. Possess computer literacy (MS Office)
• Be a good team player enthusiastic proactive and have excellent interactive skills with all level of management and staffs.
• Good interaction with people, team player with strong creativity & result oriented
• Strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skill
• Having good knowledge in CATERPILLAR heavy equipment product
• Willing to be based at any branches throughout Indonesia
Specific Requirements:
• Knowledge in technical & mechanical system of heavy equipment, and repair maintenance procedures and dealer service operations
• Knowledge in occupational safety & health management system
Attractive remuneration packages including pension scheme and other benefits, career development opportunities will be provided to selected / chosen candidates.
Please send your resume to:
PT Trakindo Utama
or PO BOX 2282/JKT 12560 – Indonesia or visit our website: (human resource/career)
Not laterthan October 30th, 20
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
PT Trakindo Utama is the authorized dealer in Indonesia for Caterpillar products, the world’s largest manufacturer of mining, forestry, agriculture and construction equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial engines and generator sets.
The Caterpillar equipment product range includes articulated trucks, backhoe loaders, compactors, excavators, integrated toolcarriers, material handlers, motor graders, multi terrain loaders, off-highwaytrucks , off-highway tractors, pipelayers, scrapers, skid steer loaders, telehandlers, track-type tractors, track loaders, wheel dozers, underground mining equipment, paving equipment, forest machines, and industrial prime movers.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Lowongan Kerja Di Bussan Auto Finance
To support our growth and business, we are looking for experience people to fill the following position:
- Male with max. 27 years of age, min. Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring Mathematic and Statistic (point A)
- Male with max. 28 years of age, min. Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring Mathematic,
Statistic, Technology Industry, Technology Information (point B)
- Male with max. 35 years of age (point C,D), male/female with max. 28 years of age(point E,F), min.
Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring in Information Technology, Information System(point C,D,F,G)
- Male with max. 25 years of age, min. Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring in Statistical,
Mathematic, Physics (point E)
- Have advanced skills of Ms. Office Excel formulas (point A,B,E,F), familiar with analysis & reporting
data and able to use SPSS Program at least Basic ability (point B), fair knowledge in SQL/Server and good knowledge in handling data migration and query ( point C,F,G ), good knowledge in Java Environment (point D), have good analytical thinking and enjoy to processing data report (point E), knowledge of implementation system/application in HR-IS and having experience in analyst system (point F), knowledge of system presentation (point G)
- Knowledge in database, administration and maintaining SQL/Oracle DB, database maintenance,
monitoring, recovery and cloning, tuning management, familiar with day to day operation and maintenance, understanding of basic TCP/IP, networking concept, Linux or other Unix based Operating System and using TOAD (point F)
- Working experience 1 year-2years in data analyze (point A,B), experience 2 years in related field and experience using Oracle PL/SQL and Oracle DB (point C,D), fresh graduate is welcome to apply
- Has public speaking skill, and good command of English, both & written, willing to be travel within our branch
- Hard worker, honest, communication, good analytical thinking, and good appearance, strong leadership, good team work, can work under pressure, discipline
If you can fulfill the qualifications above, please send your application letter, recent passport size photograph and academic documents not later than 14 (fourteen) days after the issuance of this advertisement. Please quote the position code on the upper left side of your envelope to:
PO BOX 4423 JKP 10044 or Please Login or Register to apply this job online ta
All applicants will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates shall be invited for an interview.
- Male with max. 27 years of age, min. Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring Mathematic and Statistic (point A)
- Male with max. 28 years of age, min. Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring Mathematic,
Statistic, Technology Industry, Technology Information (point B)
- Male with max. 35 years of age (point C,D), male/female with max. 28 years of age(point E,F), min.
Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring in Information Technology, Information System(point C,D,F,G)
- Male with max. 25 years of age, min. Bachelor Degree from reputable University majoring in Statistical,
Mathematic, Physics (point E)
- Have advanced skills of Ms. Office Excel formulas (point A,B,E,F), familiar with analysis & reporting
data and able to use SPSS Program at least Basic ability (point B), fair knowledge in SQL/Server and good knowledge in handling data migration and query ( point C,F,G ), good knowledge in Java Environment (point D), have good analytical thinking and enjoy to processing data report (point E), knowledge of implementation system/application in HR-IS and having experience in analyst system (point F), knowledge of system presentation (point G)
- Knowledge in database, administration and maintaining SQL/Oracle DB, database maintenance,
monitoring, recovery and cloning, tuning management, familiar with day to day operation and maintenance, understanding of basic TCP/IP, networking concept, Linux or other Unix based Operating System and using TOAD (point F)
- Working experience 1 year-2years in data analyze (point A,B), experience 2 years in related field and experience using Oracle PL/SQL and Oracle DB (point C,D), fresh graduate is welcome to apply
- Has public speaking skill, and good command of English, both & written, willing to be travel within our branch
- Hard worker, honest, communication, good analytical thinking, and good appearance, strong leadership, good team work, can work under pressure, discipline
If you can fulfill the qualifications above, please send your application letter, recent passport size photograph and academic documents not later than 14 (fourteen) days after the issuance of this advertisement. Please quote the position code on the upper left side of your envelope to:
PO BOX 4423 JKP 10044 or Please Login or Register to apply this job online ta
All applicants will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates shall be invited for an interview.
Friday, October 15, 2010
What is a Dental Abscess
Even though most dental pustules start out fairly small, they can quickly become irritated and swollen to a point where they are very uncomfortable. Generally speaking, a dental abscess or sore is a bacterial infection that develops in the mouth.
While most dental abscesses develop in the gums, they can also develop in the jaw bones, facial tissue, and throat.
While most dental abscesses develop in the gums, they can also develop in the jaw bones, facial tissue, and throat.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Foot massagers machines
Take a look at all the products in Massagers Machines and More's Massager Machines & Massagers Category here. You can sort the items using the pull-down menu, see all the items at once or choose to view fewer.
If you are owning a foot massagers machines than it could be the one of the most relaxing treats of your life. Foot massagers machines allows you to soothe your aching feet at anytime, for as long and as frequently as you want. The most apparent benefit from receiving a foot massage is that it will helps your tired feet feel a lot better than ever.
So if you have a lot of bore and tiring days then I suggest you to buy a foot massagers machines for your own sake.
If you are owning a foot massagers machines than it could be the one of the most relaxing treats of your life. Foot massagers machines allows you to soothe your aching feet at anytime, for as long and as frequently as you want. The most apparent benefit from receiving a foot massage is that it will helps your tired feet feel a lot better than ever.
So if you have a lot of bore and tiring days then I suggest you to buy a foot massagers machines for your own sake.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Lowongan Structure Inspector 2010
Due to our increasing activity, we are currently seeking for suitable qualified individuals to fill in the vacant positions :
Structure Inspector how to fix all
(Jakarta Raya)
* Technical / Civil, Ocean, Offshore engineering background
* Have good understanding and interpretation of international standard / code and procedure of API RP2A, AISC, AWS D1.1, ANSI, ASME etc.
* Familiar with MIGAS regulations.
Piping Inspector
(Jakarta Raya)
* Mechanical or other engineering background
* Must have at least qualification of welding inspector
* Have good understanding and interpretation of standard / code for piping such as ASME B31.3 requirement etc.
* Familiar with MIGAS regulations
General requirements : how to set up anything
* Possess S1 degree
* Work experience in related field 3 years and over
* Good written and spoken English language communication skill
If you meet the above requirements, please email your detailed CV (in English), your latest photo and copy of KTP, educational certificates & references to :
Structure Inspector how to fix all
(Jakarta Raya)
* Technical / Civil, Ocean, Offshore engineering background
* Have good understanding and interpretation of international standard / code and procedure of API RP2A, AISC, AWS D1.1, ANSI, ASME etc.
* Familiar with MIGAS regulations.
Piping Inspector
(Jakarta Raya)
* Mechanical or other engineering background
* Must have at least qualification of welding inspector
* Have good understanding and interpretation of standard / code for piping such as ASME B31.3 requirement etc.
* Familiar with MIGAS regulations
General requirements : how to set up anything
* Possess S1 degree
* Work experience in related field 3 years and over
* Good written and spoken English language communication skill
If you meet the above requirements, please email your detailed CV (in English), your latest photo and copy of KTP, educational certificates & references to :
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Indonesian Batiks
Cuma gregetan aja sama orang malaysia yang ngeklaim batik merupakan salah satu kebudayaan mereka. Nih sepotong artikel yang di ambil dari websitenya orang asing yang tinggal di Singapore.
"This is mainly for my Singapore friends as they keep asking what tailor I use and where is she located. I only recently came across this lady in Little India when I had some Indonesian Batiks that I needed made up for the National Day Reception and since then I have given her many pieces of fabric or alterations to be done ....."
Dari situ saja harusnya mereka tahu diri dan gak usah ngaku-ngaku batik milik mereka !!!
"batik adalah milik orang Indonesia"
"This is mainly for my Singapore friends as they keep asking what tailor I use and where is she located. I only recently came across this lady in Little India when I had some Indonesian Batiks that I needed made up for the National Day Reception and since then I have given her many pieces of fabric or alterations to be done ....."
Dari situ saja harusnya mereka tahu diri dan gak usah ngaku-ngaku batik milik mereka !!!
"batik adalah milik orang Indonesia"
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