Berikut kumpulan contoh-contoh CV / resume / daftar riwayat hidup
Contoh CV (curriculum vitae) /daftar riwayat hidup / resume / yang baik dan menjual dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris berikut tips dan trick pembuatannya.
Berikut merupakan contoh - contoh daftar riwayat hidup atau resume sering kali disebut Curriculum Vitae (CV) dalam bahasa indonesia dan inggris.
Contoh - contoh CV/resume ini di buat untuk beberapa posisi dan jabatan saja. Namun pada dasarnya untuk posisi ataupun jabatan lainnya relative sama, anda tinggal menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.
Harap diingat bahwa sebaik-baiknya daftar riwayat hidup / CV / resume adalah yang paling mempresentasikan diri anda sendiri namun tanpa mengesampingkan promosi yang maksimal akan diri anda sendiri sebagai pencari pekerjaan.
Contoh CV bahasa Indonesia
Contoh CV / daftar riwayat hidup untuk posisi manager
Dwi Susanti
Tempat, tanggal lahir : Yogyakarta, 18 Januari 1973
Jenis kelamin : Perempuan
Status : Menikah
Agama : Islam
Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia
Alamat : Jl. Kebon Jeruk X No.75
Jakarta Barat 17345
Telepon : (021) 5846887, 08170957556
e-mail :
Manajer Pemasaran
2002–Saat ini CV. BCG Battery Bekasi, Jawa Barat
National Sales Manager
* Meningkatkan penjualan sebesar 50% dari Rp 400 milyar menjadi Rp 850 milyar.
* Meningkatkan penjualan per distributor sebesar 50%.
* Membuka wilayah pemasaran baru di Indonesia bagian timur yang memberikan kontribusi terhadap kenaikan penjualan nasional sebesar 20%.
1999–2002 PT. BOGA INTI SARI Bogor, Jawa Barat
District Sales Manager
* Meningkatkan penjualan wilayah Jabotabek dari Rp 250 milyar per tahun menjadi Rp 350 milyar per tahun.
* Mengkoordinir 250 agen distributor di wilayah Jabotabek.
* Implementasi kursus dan pelatihan mengenai teknik dan strategi menjual yang efektif bagi karyawan baru, yang terbukti dapat meningkatkan penjualan secara lebih cepat.
1997–1999 CV. AUTO 5000 Tangerang, Banten
Senior Sales Representative
* Meningkatkan penjualan produk mobil per individu agen sebesar 20% dalam waktu 2 tahun.
* Mengkoordinir agen-agen penjualan di wilayah Tangerang dan Serpong.
* Mengembangkan tim agen penjualan dari 10 orang menjadi 45 orang dalam waktu 2 tahun.
1992–1997 STIE YKPN Yogyakarta
Sarjana Ekonomi, jurusan Management Pemasaran, lulus tahun 1997 dengan IPK 3.32.
Effective Seling Strategy
Aplikasi Komputer Untuk Bisnis
Travelling, olah raga, membaca, internet.
Contoh daftar riwayat hidup untuk posisi Finance Accounting
Data Pribadi
Nama : Setyarini Rahayu
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Surabaya, 06 Nopember 1982
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Agama : Katholik
Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia
Alamat : Jl. Kebagusan III/20
Pal Merah, Jakarta Selatan 12220
Telephon : 021-7665239 (rumah)
021-5249972 (kantor)
0812-590590 (HP)
Latarbelakang Pendidikan
1991 – 1994 : SMP 624, Jakarta
1994 – 1997 : SMEA 804 Jakarta
1997 – 2001 : Yayasan Administrasi Indonesia (YAI), Jakarta
Non Formal
1994 – 1996 : Kursus Komputer di Bina Informatika Nusantara, Jakarta
1996 – 1997 : Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Berlitz English, Jakarta
2003 – 2003 : Kursus Pajak (Brevet A & B)
* Kemampuan Akuntansi dan Administrasi (Accounting & Administration Skills) Journal printing & Calculation, Ledger, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary Calculation, Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls)
* Kemampuan Komputer (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access, MS Outlook dan Internet)
* Sistem Perpajakan
Pengalaman Kerja
* Praktek Kerja Lapangan:
Praktek Kerja di PT. ARJUNA CARGO, Jakarta
Periode : April 1997 - June 1997
Tujuan : Persyaratan kelulusan SMEA 804 Jakarta
Posisi : Operator Administrasi
Rincian Pekerjaan:
- Mengupdate data konsumen
- Mengatur jadwal pertemuan dengan konsumen
- Menyiapkan surat-surat pernawaran untuk konsumen
- Menyiapkan tagihan
* Bekerja di PT. SAMUDRA SEDAYA CARGO, Jakarta
Periode : Januari 2002 - Mei 2005
Status : Karyawan Tetap
Posisi : Staf bagian Finance
Rincian pekerjaan :
- Mengelola kas kecil
- Melakukan surat menyurat bisnis
- Mengontrol persediaan peralatan kantor
- Menerbitkan dan menerima faktur dari pemasok
- Penggajian (payroll)
Resume untuk posisi banking
Data Pribadi
Nama : Surya Bhaskara, SE
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir : Bandung, 10 September 1975
Agama : Islam
Alamat rumah : Jl. Setiabudi No. 24 RT 02/RW 06 Ciputat Tangerang 15155
Nomor telepon : 021- 5909090 (rumah)
08130967704 (mobilephone)
021- 5247585 ext. 2049 (kantor)
e-mail :
Riwayat Pendidikan
*2001 - 2004 : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta, jurusan Akuntansi, lulus dengan IPK 3,11.
*1994 - 1997 : Akademi Akuntansi YAI Jakart, lulus dengan IPK 3,21.
*1991 - 1994 : SMA BOEDI OETOMO Jakarta.
Training dan Kursus Lainnya
*System dan Kebijakan Budget 2005, HR Training PT. Bank Harapan Tbk., Jakarta October 2004.
*SAP version 4.7, HR Training PT. Bank Harapan Tbk., Jakarta, August 2004.
*Cognos PowerPlay Transformer release 7, Information & Technology (IT) PT. Bank Harapan Tbk., Jakarta, May 2004.
*System dan Kebijakan Budget 2004, HR Training PT. Bank Harapan Tbk., Jakarta, October 2003.
*Accounting Workshop, Financial Control Group PT. Bank Harapan Tbk., Jakarta, October 2003.
*Accounting Workshop, Financial Control Dept PT. Bank Harapan Tbk., Jakarta, February 2002.
*Telephone Collection Techniques Training, Collection Unit BMS-IB PT. Bank Harapan Tbk., Jakarta, October 1999.
*Workshop, Credit Card Bad Debt Collection, Legal Aspect & Strategy, Collection Unit BMS-IB PT. Bank Harapan Tbk., Jakarta, March 1999.
*On Line Collection (OLC) - CardPac System, Collection Unit BMS-IB PT. Bank Harapan Tbk., Jakarta, October 1998.
*Credit Card Operation Program (CCOP), PT. Bank Harapan Tbk., Jakarta, February - March 1997.
Keahlian Komputer
* MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint).
* Lotus SmartSuite (Lotus123, Lotus WordPro, Freelance Graphic).
* Cognos PowerPlay.
* SAP (System, Application and Product).
* Adobe Photoshop.
* Internet
Pengalaman Bekerja
* Performance Monitoring Team Supervisor – Financial Control Group, PT. Bank Harapan Tbk. Jakarta, Januari 2000 – sekarang.
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Menyajikan data Laporan Akuntansi dan Keuangan yang lebih mudah dimengerti dan dianalisa oleh para user ( termasuk Bord of Director ), dan dapat diakses oleh user melalui intranet website. Data akuntansi dan keuangan diperoleh dari system akuntansi utama, dan ditransformasikan ke dalam format PowerPlay melalui serangkaian proses komputer.
Menyajikan Laporan Analisa Laporan Keuangan dan menyajikan Branch Performance Monitoring Report kepada Board Of Director.
* Analyst, Agency Coordinator & Controller Staff of Collection Unit Bank Harapan Card Center (BHCC), PT. Bank Harapan Tbk. Jakarta, Maret 1998 – September 2000.
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Melakukan analisa terhadap piutang kartu kredit kategori macet, serta melakukan tindak lanjut untuk mengembalikan asset perusahaan tersebut, dengan mengupayakan penagihan melalui jasa pihak ketiga.
Mengkoordinir serta mengontrol kolektor lapangan, untuk menghindari adanya pelanggaran, penyimpangan dan penggelapan yang dilakukan oleh kolektor lapangan, yang dapat merugikan perusahaan baik secara moral maupun material.
*Credit Control - Cycle Due Team – Reminder (Staff) - Collection Unit Bank Harapan Card Center PT. Bank Harapan Tbk. Jakarta, Maret 1997 - Maret 1998.
Deskripsi pekerjaan:
Memberikan peringatan dini melalui telepon kepada nasabah kartu kredit untuk mencegah kecenderungan menjadi nasabah macet.
Contoh daftar riwayat hidup untuk posisi publishing
I Ketut Suara Bagus
Tempat, tanggal lahir : Jakarta, 8 Januari 1975
Jenis kelamin :Laki-laki
Status :Menikah
Agama : Hindu
Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia
Alamat : Jl. Kebon Jeruk IX No.15
Jakarta Barat 17355
Telepon : (021) 5846789, 08170954554
e-mail :
Manajer Sirkulasi yang berpengalaman menangani sirkulasi untuk penerbitan media massa dalam bidang perdagangan, bisnis dan konsumen. Pengalaman sebagai manajer sirkulasi mencakup semua bidang yang berhubungan, seperti strategi promosi, penjualan melalui agen dan kios, serta penjualan langsung di wilayah Jabotabek.
Pengalaman Kerja:
CV. Tutur Tinular Press, Jakarta (9/97- saat ini)
Senior Manajer Sirkulasi. Sekaligus menjabat sebagai anggota Badan Manajemen Perencanaan. Bertanggung jawab atas usulan, pengembangan dan penerapan semua program yang berhubungan dengan sirkulasi.
PT. Majalah Kita, Jakarta (1/94-8/97)
Asisten Manajer Sirkulasi. Bertanggung jawab atas semua bidang yang berhubungan dengan sirkulasi dan anggarannya, seperti promosi, penjualan langsung, koordinasi dengan agen-agen penjualan besar di Jakarta, Tangerang dan Bekasi.
CV. Koran Kita, Jakarta (2/92-12/93)
Supervisor Sirkulasi. Bertanggung jawab untuk mengkoordinir agen-agen penjualan besar di Jabotabek.
CV. Majalah Swara, Jakarta (8/85-1/92)
Supervisor Sirkulasi. Bertanggung jawab atas sirkulasi di wilayah DKI Jakarta.
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) ‘Veteran’, Jakarta (1990-1992)
Akademi Manajamen Perusahaan (AMP), Jakarta (1982-1985)
Desain Grafis di Astra Graphica Learning Center, Jakarta (1994)
Urban Photography di ‘Blitz’ Institut of Photography, Jakarta (1993)
Contoh CV bahasa Inggris
Contoh daftar riwayat hidup secretary
45 West 32nd St.
New York, NY 10023
Personal Secretary to First Secretary of Dominican Republic to the United Nations, New York. Handled all personal correspondence, prepared all details for major international sport events in Dominican Republic, arranged housing and entertainment for dignitaries visiting Mission to the UN. Acted as interpreter.
Administrative Assistant and Secretary, ANCO International, New Jersey. Served in this capacity to the President of this corporation. Assumed responsibility for office in his absence, including handling of all correspondence, translations in Spanish and Italian, transcribing of large volume of shorthand as well as Dictaphone-typing made arrangements for hotel accommodations and booked space for conferences, both domestic and overseas. Acted as interpreter for foreign company representatives visiting New York.
Executive Secretary to the Director of International Operations, Standard Tobacco International, New York. Handled all press contacts, translated foreign press releases, assumed all secretarial responsibilities, and assisted in all public relations activities.
Executive Secretary/Assistant Fashion Coordinator, Longine-Pioneer Corporation, New York. Translated fashion copy for magazines and newspapers, prepared press parties, fashion shows performed secretarial duties.
B.A. in Social Studies, 1987 – University of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Fluency in Spanish, Italian, and English
MS. Word, Excel, PowerPoint
On request.
Curriculum Vitae / CV information technology / IT
4451 N.E. 53th Terrace
Lake Worth, Florida 33456
Tel: 561-55-2002 Cell: 561-555-4567
Senior System Analyst and Database management Professional with more than 23 years of broad-base experience designing, developing, and implementing software systems. Special expertise with PeopleSoft program, as well as mainframe/UNIX and Client Server areas.
Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of business procedures and practices, with demonstrated ability to design and write reports with SQR, Crystal, and Cobol. Substantial experience in supervision and training of personnel, and resourceful resolution of both technical and non technical problems.
* Extensive and diversified Information. Technology experience.
* In-depth knowledge of database design concepts, as they relate to PeopleSoft, data organization, and storage.
* Substantial experience composing functional and technical documents, as well as testing specifications.
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
* Capable of working independently or as part of a team effort
PeopleSoft: Tools 8.0 & 7.5 • Financial (A/P. A/R/Billing • GL • AM • Project Cost • Budget) • HR • Payroll • Process Scheduler • Applications Engine • PeopleCode • Object Security • Message Agent • EDI Manager • Data Migration • Upgrade Tool • Tree Manager • Query • SQR • Crystal
Database: Oracle 7, 8, 8i • Informix • SQL • DB2
Mainframe: (OS MVS): COBOL • COBOL II • CICS • SAS • REXX • MVS JCL • IBM Utilities • TSO • ISPF • CLIST • Panvalet • Changeman • VSAM • CA7
UNIX: Sun Solaris • Unix Shell Scripting
Testing Tools: Xpediter • Interest • TPNS • CEDF • SPUFI • QMF • Fileaid
IT Consultant
Capital One, Richmond, Va
* Full life-cycle implementation of PeopleSoft version 8—HR, Payroll and Benefits that included analysis, design, code, test, and implementation. Modified page and records, and customized processes by making peoplecode changes.
* Prepared detail design documents for the Employer Burden and America Express outbound interface files, including creation of new PeopleSoft record, pages, and process definitions and SQRs.
* Participate in functional and technical peer reviews, regarding performance enhancements.
o Designed and coded payroll, HR, Benefits, and Security SQL, providing a wide variety of information for end users.
o Created templates to run Import Manager Script, updating Oracle/People Soft custom tables.
o Migrated projects from across platforms.
* Aetna Insurance Company, Hartford, CT
o Translated functional specifications into technical specs in a Unix, Oracle8, Client/Server environment.
o Participated in a PeopleSoft HR, Benefits and Payroll conversion project to upgrade PeopleSoft to version 8.
o Coded and tested COBOL conversion programs, running on an IBM mainframe.
o Wrote SQR interface programs to run on a Sun/Unix, Oracle 8.0 platform.
o Created and executed SQL load scripts to load HR, Benefits and Payroll Tables on Unix.
Senior Software Engineer
o Created and modified Panels, XIAT Table vanables, Prompt Tales and various Queries in a Unix, oracle7, Client Server environment.
o Coded and tested interface processes, customizations, and SQR reports.
o Provided after-hour production support for PeopleSoft Financial Systems (AP, AM, GL, AR, Project Cost, Budget)
o Wrote SQR/FTP interface to keep PeopleSoft and Legacy data in sync during conversion.
o Performed system testing and integration for the FBI’s National Crime Information Center project.
o Attended programmer peer-reviews to examine COBOL/CICS programs for accuracy and attention to detail.
Contoh CV english untuk posisi management
111 Gray Place
Nashville, TN 37204
(615) 787-4123
To actively participate as a team member for improvement in the profitability and growth of a company.
Loft & John, Inc. - March 1992 to present
Manager—Budgeting & Planning.
Primary responsible for:
* Coordination and assimilation of Budget Plan, which included sales forecast operating budget, and capital expenditure plan.
* Preparation of detailed operating budgets, both annual and rollover for each strategic business unit and corresponding actual performance reports.
* Reviewing and analyzing monthly and quarterly variances and recommending corrective action to the management
* Preparation of cash flow projections, flash and actual income statement.
* Special projects.
In addition, also responsible for retail stores’ accounting, cash management, and payroll administration, reporting directly to the Controller; supervising four people in the Finance Department.
Major Accomplishments:
* Improved corporation’s ability to utilize cash generated from retail stores through the use of on-line reporting system.
* Recommended to management to recognize some of the unprofitable operations.
Tennessee Power & Light, Inc. - August 1986 to March 1992
Manufacturer of hydraulic and other industrial valves.
Sales $15-20 MM
Manager—Financial Reports & Analysis/Manager—General Accounting.
Job Responsibilities:
* Develop, organize, and prepare short- and long-range Profit Plan, which included income and cash flow projection and capital expenditure plan.
* Prepare capital expenditure justification request using discounted cash flow and payback methods.
* Review and analyze actual results and prepare trend and variance analysis.
* Forecasting overhead rates for pricing government quotes.
* Assisting VP Controller in preparation of interim and year-end audit schedules and special projects.
* In addition, also responsible for coordination of general accounting function for monthly closing and supervision of data processing operation.
Major Accomplishments:
* Conversion of outside service bureau operations to in-house computer operations and thereby cutting down costs.
* Designed and implemented information flow and reports layout for computerizing sales backlog analysis & accounts payable resulting in better information and saving on costs.
Bakers Brothers, Inc. - August 1983 to July 1986
Manufacturer of dental/medical cabinetry and home and office furniture.
Sales $9 MM.
Assistant Controller/Senior Accountant.
Job Responsibilities:
* Administration and supervision of general accounting and cost department functions.
* Development and preparation of manufacturing budgets.
* Assist the controller in Accounts Analysis for external auditors.
Major Accomplishments:
* Developed and installed effective job cost system, which led to major improvements in pricing.
* Chief Cost Accounting/Div. Commercial Offer with two major companies located in Bombay, India, during August 1980 to April 1983.
* M.B.A. Finance, University Of Tennessee 1985
* D.M.A.Mgt. Accounting., Univ. of Bombay, India 1982
* M.S. Cost Accounting, University Of Bombay, India 1978
* B.A. Accounting, Univ. of Bombay, India 1974
Affiliation : National Association of Accountants
References : Upon Request.
Contoh CV english untuk posisi accountant
Martin Milton
41 Hunter Lane
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505
(616) 432-0146 Cell: (616) 555-4327
Job Objective: Accountant
1996-Present Miller Furniture Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Statistical Specialist -- Prepared detailed financial records including status reports and current and historical reports. Prepared journal entries, maintained records for marketing expenditures and inventories. Processed warehouse invoices and prepared sales reports.
1991-1996 Accounts Receivable Analysis clerk -- Made non standardized journal entries, coded invoices for proper accounting routing. Analyzed details of regular accounts. Assisted and trained other accounting clerks.
1989-1991 Walker Lumber Company, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan
Cash Accounting Clerk – Performed various routine and non routine bookkeeping and basic accounting tasks including journal entries, verifying data and reconciling discrepancies, preparing detailed reports from war data, and checking accounting documents for completeness, mathematical accuracy, and consistency.
1987-1989 Accounting Clerk Trainee – Prepared journal vouchers, entered posting, and filled in standard records and reports. Acquired a working knowledge of accounting office procedures such as posting and balancing, compiling data, preparing summaries, and verifying routine reports by checking against related details and previous data to reconcile irregularities.
EducationCommunity College – Currently enrolled in a statistics course and completed a two-semester course in mathematics.
Lakewood Business School – Completed courses in basic accounting principles, intermediate accounting, 1987.
Contoh CV english untuk posisi administrative secretary
45 West 32nd St.
New York, NY 10023
Personal Secretary to First Secretary of Dominican Republic to the United Nations, New York. Handled all personal correspondence, prepared all details for major international sport events in Dominican Republic, arranged housing and entertainment for dignitaries visiting Mission to the UN. Acted as interpreter.
Administrative Assistant and Secretary, ANCO International, New Jersey. Served in this capacity to the President of this corporation. Assumed responsibility for office in his absence, including handling of all correspondence, translations in Spanish and Italian, transcribing of large volume of shorthand as well as Dictaphone-typing made arrangements for hotel accommodations and booked space for conferences, both domestic and overseas. Acted as interpreter for foreign company representatives visiting New York.
Executive Secretary to the Director of International Operations, Standard Tobacco International, New York. Handled all press contacts, translated foreign press releases, assumed all secretarial responsibilities, and assisted in all public relations activities.
Executive Secretary/Assistant Fashion Coordinator, Longine-Pioneer Corporation, New York. Translated fashion copy for magazines and newspapers, prepared press parties, fashion shows performed secretarial duties.
B.A. in Social Studies, 1987 – University of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Fluency in Spanish, Italian, and English
MS. Word, Excel, PowerPoint
On request.
Contoh resume / daftar riwayat hidup / CV
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